Just in case anyone starts hacking on faces in news, remember that I've
got a database of faces bitmaps for newsgroups(*) that could be
incorporated into the scheme somehow, eg, as default faces for articles
without faces.
Steve Kinzler
(*) ftp cs.indiana.edu; pub/faces/news.tar.Z
OR mail "help" in body to mailserv@cs.indiana.edu
PS: Has any fixed the (un)compface bug in the current faces release?
Here's the relvant TODO item. It's really been a pain to have it
broken so long:
* From Alan Skea <skea@vast.eecs.unsw.oz.au>
Sometime between versions 1.4.9 and 1.5.1, some change to
compface/uncompface has made it produce different output. The face
resulting from the uncompression of a 1.4.9 X-Face: using the 1.5.1
algorithm seems to shift the whole image to the left a bit (or maybe
two - I don't really have time to check this out thoroughly) and
introduces some corruption into the bottom right of the face. Caveat:
these observations are made on the basis of a sample space of 1 face.
From John Mackin <john@syd.dit.csiro.au>
The situation, so that everyone knows (Rich already knows) is this:
there are definite problems with post-1.4 compression and decompression.
I am liasing with James Ashton, but he is very busy too now and has
little time to look at it; what I was hoping was that I could work out
what was wrong and then discuss the fix with him.