Re: looking for an xpmto<foo> converter than understands none

Steve Kinzler (
Tue, 30 May 1995 11:41:55 -0500

Sent 30May95 from to faces
+------- looking for an xpmto<foo> converter than understands none -------
| When I tried to convert some of the xpms into ppms (so that I can use
| them as Tk-4.0b3 canvas items) I was getting errors about missing or
| invalid formats. I upgraded to the netpbm-1mar1994 release but I am
| still getting errors as it does not recognise the 'none' colour.

Yes, xpmtoppm doesn't handle the None color, since ppm doesn't support
transparency. To get it to work, you can change it to a real color
before piping into xpmtoppm, eg

sed 's/c *[Nn]one/c white/g' | xpmtoppm

See also the x2p.sed script in the AIcons support scripts.

from the brain of Steve Kinzler    /o)\
an organ with a mind of its own    \(o/    (812)855-6999
Tompion broadwife / myologic oxeye gremlin / brightwork collegian.