Bookmarks Menu
- Home
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- Recently Bookmarked
- Association for Computing Machinery
- WiReD's Gopher/WWW Information Server
- The Internet Company Gopher server
- University of Pisa: Icon Browser
- Getstats
- Artificial Life ONLINE
- Digital Picture Archive at
- The Global On-Line Directory Services
- Global On-Line Home Page
- Welcome to the Principia Cybernetica Web
- Knowledge One
- PERL -- Practical Extraction and Report Language
- U. S. Bureau of the Census Home Page
- The Common Gateway Interface
- Unix Workstation Support Group Home Page
- 1994 WHO is WHO - First ON-line Edition
- WebWorld
- World Flags
- Anthony's Icon Library
- Downtown Anywhere
- The Human-Languages Page
- MPEG Movie Archive
- Net Happenings (IU Local Archive)
- The InterNIC Home Page
- CareerMosaic Page 1
- Welcome to NetMarket!
- PreCom Home Page
- Web Self Publishing System Home Page
- Earl Hood's (OAC) Home Page (perlWWW tools)
- Usenix Association Home Page
- Spain
- UR* and The Names and Addresses of WWW objects
- Index of Perl/HTML archives
- The Reference Shelf
- Xerox PARC Map Viewer: world 0.00N 0.00E (1.0X)
- Weekly Spanish Lesson by Tyler Jones
- Library of Congress World Wide Web Home Page
- JHU/APL's WWW & HTML Developer's JumpStation
- The MIT Press
- Virtual Consultant
- Monster Board! (resumes)
- Cornell Computer Science Technical Reports
- HotWired: New Thinking for a New Medium
- Employment Resources On the Internet
- Central Intelligence Agency Home Page
- The Department of the Treasury: Internal Revenue Service
- PCTravel
- NetGuide Home Page
- Global Network Navigator Home Page
- Contract Employment Weekly Home Page
- Legal Care for Your Software Home Page
- HyperGlot, The Foreign Language Software Company
- Branch Mall by Branch Information Services
- HTGREP Overview
- Shase Virtual Shareware Library
- WORLD TEL Home Page
- Satellite Communications for Learning (SCOLA)
- How to make MPEG movies
- Netstuff Home Page
- IHETS - ACCESS Indiana
- Stingray Home Page
- SkillSearch
- Gopher server
- Weather Map
- ARTrageous (tm) Homepage
- HotWired: What's New Since Your Last Visit To ...
- The Virtual Hospital
- League for Programming Freedom
- 800 numbers
- SunSolve Online
- Computers:World Wide Web:Announcement Services
- IETF - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Working Group
- The Internet Insider
- WWW Viewer Test Page
- KODAK: Transaction Imaging
- Main Page: The Internet Movie Database at Mississippi US
- Internet Request For Comments (RFC)
- HTML converters
- SAGE Job Descriptions
- Netsurfer Communications
- Table of Contents: Plexus HTTP
- College and University Home Pages
- Career Information from ACM
- North Dakota State Government
- FinanCenter
- Internet Access in Spain by Jorge Alegre
- InterNIC Registration Services Home Page
- Kevin Barry's Home Page
- WARP Project - Support Software
- The Internet Jokebook
- gdbm - Table of Contents
- National Weather Service, Tallahassee, Florida
- Web-O-Rhythm
- HotWired: Webomatic
- A First Guide to PostScript
- The Comic Strip
- /rdb from Revolutionary Software
- Pointers To Pointers (TM)
- The Oracle Service
- Resume - Rand M. Wacker
- Temple of the Web Seeress
- About The Usenet Oracle
- Networking and Communication (Community)
- WWW Servers Comparison Chart
- LC MUMS Z39.50 Server (EZ Search Form)
- FAQ: How To Announce Your New Web Site
- Sandra's Clip Art Server
- TEP: Practical Applications of the Web ...
- Netscape Server Central
- From Webspace to Cyberspace
- Transform Users' Guide
- Welcome to University Online
- The Dilbert Zone
- [Henry Cate III's LifeHumor]
- 'Net Magazines
- MHonArc
- ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
- Debian Project
- Point Communications Corporation
- Taxing Times 1995
- BrowserWatch
- Icons and Images for Use in HTML Documents
- The HTML Writers Guild Website
- MIT Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Web Style Guide for IU Bloomington
- The Universal Life Church, Inc.
- Pedro's Dictionaries
- System administration
- Web and Sybase
- WWW-Courseware by thread
- Question Mark home page
- Introduction to Perl
- collection: The Web Society
- Extensions to HTML
- HyperText Markup Language Specification Version 3.0
- HTML Style Sheets
- WRL: HTML 3.0 and Netscape 1.1
- Autopilot
- net.Genesis Corporation Home Page
- NCSA Mosaic Common Client Interface (CCI 1.1)
- Julia's Home Page
- gd 1.2
- Web-Counter Home Page
- infoMarket service Welcome home page
- Transparent/Interlaced GIF Resources
- Propaedia - Rodentian order
- Welcome to SALON
- Search of Mangalam's Multiple WAIS Sources
- WSFP-TV - The Faculty Lounge
- Pointers To Pointers (TM)
- Net-Happenings Resource Submittal Form
- Online Career Center
- Espresso
- Homebuyers' Fair Center for Mobility Resources
- The Official Salvador Dali Museum World Wide Web Site
- Innovation
- Virtual World Factory
- XV: Table of Contents
- Welcome to the Weather Underground Inc
- CICA Spy Cam
- Interactive Graphics Generation Page
- Comparison of efficiency of different search engines
- FREE Computer Help Page!
- Yahoo - ...:CPAN North American Mirrors
- Who's Who Online(SM)
- Online Digitizing
- Barlow Home(stead)Page
- Webmaster Reference Library (TM)
- The Bare Bones Guide to HTML
- noware
- Weblint Home Page
- Spirograph
- About PerlMUD
- WAXweb 2.0
- Grad Image Menu (IU Photographs)
- IFA Foundation of North America
- Changing Background Color in JavaScript
- Compiling Java with Netscape
- Ask Debbie
- Das grosse ZOT-Buch
- Whack-A-Beaver
- USWeb - Outfitters to the World Wide Web
- Homeworks Homepage
- URouLette
- Directory of /pub/netscape (local FTP mirror)
- Web Style Guide for IU Bloomington
- Siddhartha Gates
- The Indiana Business Directory
- Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
- Understanding Java
- Kneedeep in Java - by Stefan Koch
- AT&T Bell Laboratories Voices - 1995 AT&T
- Al Stewart Mailing List Poll (Java voting)
- Como - Java-based interactive communication
- A world in panic
- Welcome to PeopleNet (online $$ consulting)
- Faces (match face parts)
- Internet Audit Bureau(tm)
- Home of "The Slam & Scream"
- Using Mosaic by Remote Control
- Remote Control of UNIX Netscape
- Welcome to Gateway 2000
- UConsultUs: Global Directory of Consultants
- README.rtfd
- Web Development Series Overview (Tutorials)
- Spanish Links
- HotChat
- Indiana Weather Jumpstation
- U-Web: ClipBrowser
- Flags of all Countries
- Pencom Interactive Career Center
- bus-card1
- Let's Chat
- VisualJava
- SBA: Small Business Administration Home Page
- Digital Planet Welcome - IRS
- 3d Express, 3davatars
- Tierra home page
- Client-Side Image Map Editor
- Linux Installation and Getting Started
- babymail
- Get It Now!
- Collected daily-strips.
- The Free Online Support Page
- Welcome to Travel Health Online
- WebMaster Magazine
- IUPUI Copyright Management Center
- The Developer's Directory
- Caligari Home World (VRML PC software)
- Hey Webmaster! (Excite search software)
- MDMA - Multithreaded Daemon for Multimedia Access
- Surfer's Edge - INDEX to Singapore
- Singapore Internet Business Directory
- Saving USENET and Then Some
- Mapedit
- Form Tags
- Angular's Quake Page
- QuickTime Software
- Clinical Gait Analysis
- The Informant
- net.sw
- World Wide Web Survey Assistant
- STB ET6000 Lightspeed 128 Vision 95 Drivers
- Internet Travel Network - Travel Reservations & Information
- Boldface Jobs, the Ultimate Employment Resource
- Webmonkey
- Telnet Applications for Windows 95
- The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software
- War of the Worlds
- The Bookmarks of Terry
- Chez Terry
- $95,093.35 - Table of Contents
- Web View - Java web cluster graphing
- Singapore Internet Censorship
- Computer Express - Online Store
- Internet Shopping Network
- CDW HOME PAGE - Online Store
- BOTI Legal Research Initiative - Sample Agreements
- NECX On-Ramp - Online Store
- Java-Linux
- Resume Xpress
- Eye on the Web
- InReference, Inc.
- My Yahoo! news summary for My Yahoo! Demo
- Infoseek Personal
- Your personal excite!
- Welcome to Wisewire!
- Activist
- firefly - personalized Web directory
- Commonwealth Network - Web Ad Brokers
- EventNotice Utility Applet
- InWorld VR, Inc. (audio applets, etc)
- Das Internet Orakel (deutschsprachig)
- Alex Vigdor
- Tao Te Ching
- HTML Color Resources, from NetscapeWorld
- Free Registration Services !!!
- The Webring: Home
- Flags of Nations of the World
- NcFTPd
- Andover Download Index (morphing GIF animator, etc)
- Dave Central Software Archive (Internet s/w for PCs)
- Neoglyphics Home (Chicago Internet Multimedia employer)
- 411 Server Information
- The Complete Tourist Guide to Spain on the Internet
- 216 Colors of the Web - Netscapeworld - November 1996
- Creation - Artistic page design and composition on Internet
- The vOICe Sonification Applet
- Transparent Background Images
- electric minds | home
- SimpleNet - The low cost web hosting service
- Developers' Den: Hot News, Products, and Links
- GIF Animation on the WWW
- JavaWorld - Protecting your applet's intellectual property
- Landoj kaj lingvoj de la mondo (Flags)
- AutoSearch WEB Searching & WWW::Search
- Gary McGraw
- C a r e e r S i t e
- Get Flook!
- Aish HaTorah - Window on the Western Wall
- Audio on the Internet - Netscapeworld - November 1996
- Flower Club Home Page + TWA FFB
- Stroud's CWSApps List - 16-bit Apps Main Menu
- The Great Internet Oracle
- American Film Institute (VDO Films via Internet)
- BBN Timeline (Internet history)
- Morphing with Java
- Hakan Ardo's Bookmarks
- Ssh (Secure Shell) Home Page
- Expedia Fare Tracker
- Ethnologue - Languages of the World
- ability utility
- PythOnline
- CDT Privacy Demonstration Page
- NetscapeWorld - Cut and Paste JavaScript - February 1997
- Chick Publications - Publishers of cartoon, gospel tracts
- Web Wide Media - managed/targetted site advertising
- Ask Dr. Internet
- j3 - Give us your long distance, we give you free Internet
- Net-Temps Home Page
- The Software Jobs Home Page - Software Job Listings
- SelectJOBS
- SSN -- Indiana University Blows it!
- Association of Online Professionals
- JavaWorld - JMF Player API: Multimedia Comes to Java
- Linux-Netscape Help Page
- Game Galaxy Games Prizes Contests
- LinkScan: Finds Broken Links and Creates SiteMaps.
- The HTML Guru!
- Background Color Selector
- NetscapeWorld - Why your site needs a stylebook
- The Icon Bank - Searchable Image Library
- Code:NET - flat-rate & toll-free ISP
- The Electric Postcard
- Das Internet Orakel (deutschsprachig)
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- Virtual Relocation - Search by State
- go2net | internet | going meta (a D Sewell forum)
- Homebuyer's Fair: real estate, mortgage, relocation, van line
- Linda Joachim -- F.C. Tucker/Bloomington, REALTORS
- Psycho Friends (similar to the Oracle)
- CPB's Civnet Grant Application
- Main Sanitary Nag (Anagram Insanity)
- The Independent Contractor Exchange
- ComputerESP: Search Computer Prices on the Internet
- C*E*A - Center for the Easily Amused
- 24 Hour - Welcome/Login
- La page de Frederic SENIS
- MBone for CIS788: Recent Advances in Networking
- The PDP-11 Unix Preservation Society
- SAL -- Scientific Applications on Linux
- VILE - Vi Like Emacs - Enhanced Multi-Platform VI
- The Usenet Oracle (Cody Rufian's page)
- Open NT Home Page
- Strunk, William. 1918. The Elements of Style.
- Semantic Rhyming Dictionary
- Taoism and the Philosophy of Tai Chi Chuan
- 10 Big Myths about copyright explained
- Internet for Beginners - Email, Oracle listing
- BONUS.COM - ContourLine, memory&haiku incl
- Ascii Pictures by Allen Mullen
- You First - HRA
- HEALICS Worksite Wellness Site - HRA?
- InfoTech Inc. Wellness Checkpoint - HRA?
- IEMMC - Global Spam Remove List
- Thinking Machines' Data Mining Resource Center
- Sacred Knights of Cyberspace
- OnHealth
- KD Mine: Data Mining and KD Resources
- Subscribe to InternetWeek
- Village Green Companies
- Alexa Internet - awesome browsing aide
- ThiemeWorks - The Wave of the Future
- InstallShield, cross-platform Java application installation
- Mediadome (3D VRML Dilbert)
- An Overview of Data Mining Technologies
- How to evaluate data mining software
- CritSuite: Critical Discussion Tools for the Web
- EZ-Win - PC Remote Control
- Eight Ball Ozzy Osbourne (ClipControl)
- U-M COW: Conferencing on the Web
- Making the database connection - NSE Developer
- Hot Little Therm - Serial Port Thermometer
- Guidelines for Generating Portable Postscript
- Association of Internet Professionals (AIP)
- Wellsource Home - HRA
- Experts Exchange Home Page
- W3C HTML Validation Service
1998 Jan-Jun
- Welcome to HealthBuzz - Improve Your Health! (HRA)
- The Benfield Group (healthcare, neat imagemap)
- Junkbusters Home Page - antispam
- WebReference (Ann Arbor-based)
- - Node Zero
- Health Acronyms
- Personal Health Connections, Inc.
- DoHealth Login
- Welcome to WellTech International
- ScriptSearch (incl a # of my scripts)
- GRAMMATRON (~hypertext novel)
- MEDai, Medical Artificial Intelligence
- Visible Decisions Inc.
- The Iconfactory: Cool Icons/Textures (for Macs)
- Steve's Icon Parade
- (Sun job recruiting)
- Namescope Oracle & KSUF Art Oracle Jewelry
- The Background Sampler
- The XBomb Homepage
- Internet Statistics: Daily Report from NetSizer
- TCL & Netscape Remote Control
- Par 1.50 - paragraph reformatter
- XKeyCaps - GUI for xmodmap
- Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview
- Cheap*Bytes Home Page (Linux CDs)
- Future Home of Market Survey (Netscape's a client)
- ICD-9-CM
- LyX - The Document Processor
- w e b s e r v i c e s . . . Graphics Archive
- Star Division - Office for Linux!
- Linux screenshots at prime-mover
- Welcome to the WinSite(tm) Archive!
- Trader's Haven: Mortgages, Finance, etc
- Janet Ruhl's Computer Consultant's Resource Page
- 1997 Real Rate Survey
- A free database can boost your site - NED 2/98
- Multi-Resolution Image Morphing
- - searchable security exploits
- tnimage - X11 image viewing, editing, analysis
- Tipping
- The VIM (Vi IMproved) Home Page
- X-Accountant
- X Gnuplot Front End
- The GIMP (awsome Linux image editor)
- Electric Memo Ltd (picons link)
- Lyris, Email List Server, Home Page
- Contractor's Resources (admin service)
- Dante's Inferno
- michigan!/usr/group
- Risc Key Developments Ltd (Sun stuff)
- Index of /pub/sundoom
- Boycott Microsoft
- SQL Tutorial
- Adgrafix Systems (nice dedicated servers, but $$)
- Links to Programming Tutorials on the Web
- Image Finder (DL SunSITE)
- Site Index (DL SunSITE)
- The Virtual Reference Desk
- ArtToday (image archive $17.95/yr)
- Windows NT Server Interoperability with UNIX
- Scriptics Corp (TCL, startup website eg)
- ICQ - Largest Internet Online Communication Net
- File Library of Channel 1
- JavaWorld: a collaborative poetry applet
- Fight Spam on the Internet!
- Procmail Spam Filter: "The Spam Bouncer"
- Directory of /pub/rsync
- man2html
- JenniCAM
- export-a-crypto-system sig (3 line perl RSA)
- Douglas Adams | Starship Titanic
- World Flying Flags
- Webmin Software
- EJournal
- Earthwatch (expedition vacations)
- Out-of-the-Way Nations & DNS
- April Fools on the Net
- The Straight Dope: Home Page
- CD Universe Main Frame
- MediaOne Express
- Ameritech Data Services
- Ameritech - Team Data
- Welcome to ISPcheck
- SUPERB INTERNET: Services & Prices
- Garden of Eden (Eve Andersson)
- The WDVL: Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
- Rodale's OnLine Health
- Java Application Site
- The K Desktop Environment (KDE)
- Web Marketing/Ads from MMG
- xart - enhanced xpaint
- XPaint - a simple X paint program
- Netlib - math s/w, papers, DBs
- PerlMenu (easy perl + curses screens)
- SNNS- Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator
- Working Solo Home Page
- TRIADA (Ann Arbor DM/KD company)
- Tom Racine -- Century 21 Brookshire
- Silicon Valley Business Oracle (Tarot)
- Machine Learning Library in C++ (MLC++)
- Ron Kohavi (MLC++ MineSet manager)
-, Free Domain Registration
- Computer Directory Service (Michigan IT)
- Web Pegasus - Ann Arbor web/unix hosting
- Free Sun Java Software for Teaching
- TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents
- Ann Arbor City Web Guide Computer Links
- Arborlink, An In-Site for Ann Arbor
- IBM Unveils Security for Health Care
- Project Independence (easy Linux)
- Msen (Michigan ISP)
- DigiChat
- Virtual Michigan
- Java Audio, JavaWorld 6-98
- Linuxconf project (sys config!)
- Digital Solutions - Online Survey Engine
- Survey Select Home Page
- Internet Product Watch
- TreeApplet (cool navigation)
- Og - The Neanderthal
- UWSP Health Service (HRA)
- LiveResponse
- superSonic BOOM (custom music CDs)
- Sample Business Plans
- Web Site Garage (site analysis)
- Open Market (e-commerce, partnering)
- Investing Basics
- priceline (make offers on air tickets, cars, hotels! [.expedia./.hotels.-30% hold firm])
- Eric S Raymond's Writings (inc Cathedral)
- How To Become A Hacker
- Dancing With The Gods
- The Principia Discordia
- How to Design Your Linux Workstation
- PC-Clone UNIX Hardware Buyer's Guide
- Computer Shopper NetBuyer
- Sun Managers Summaries Archives
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 versus UNIX
- Dulley Column (home advice)
- Ed Tech Tools (online quizzes & surveys)
- GnuHoo (communal-built Yahoo)
- Geneological Name Search ($$)
- Heiner's SHELLdorado
- UNIX tools for Windows
- SunWorld Career Central
- Lake Forest Communities
1998 Jul-Dec
- SunForum
- Ariel Dolan (Java Artificial Life)
- DBMiner Inc.
- KDD-98: 4th Int'l Conference
- Homepage of the Internet Oracles
- VNC (PC/Unix remote desktop display)
- Welcome to Virtual Pooh Sticks
- Linux testimonial from Harper's
- Cult of the Dead Cow (MS Back Orifice)
- Cult of the Dead Cow
- The ICQ Protocol Site
- gstalker (stock chart app)
- LSL (a Linux vendor)
- Linux - Small Kernel Project
- ASCII - ISO 8859-1 Table
- Get-A-Name Domain Registration Service
- Solaris for Free
- Solaris Vs. NT
- Black Light Media (ad partner co)
- Rob Malda
- Hash, Inc. (animation s/w)
- Price Watch - Price Search Engine
- Grex (A2 free public-access ISP)
- Yahoo! Michigan:Cities:Ann Arbor
- Auto Woodchuck Page
- Buy a 21-inch monitor -- cheap!
- Sandcastle Antiques (Materka's)
- XawTV - X11 program for watching TV
- X-Mame home page
- - daily geek humor
- WebReader(tm) - clever HTML news scheme
- WorldBoard (IU based)
- nmh Message Handling System
- CBB -- Money Management for Unix
- UNIX As Literature (cool end quote)
- Day-trips from Detroit
- Traffic Summary:
- "Distrib UNIX Sys Admin" by J Wetsch
- Analytika (DM & health co!)
- Altis (IT & Health co)
- Internet Mail Consortium
- Free 3D Software: Blender
- osi++, counting operating systems on net
- Verio (natl A2-based ISP)
- Search For Past Oracularities
- lectronHEALTH(TM)
- Fire, Work With Me (s/w copyright)
- FreeShells.Net (free shell accounts)
- Dialectizer (Jive, Swedish Chef, etc)
- I, Cringely (content & design)
- Mapblast! BlastOff
- Ltoh, customizable LaTeX to HTML
- AFS/IFS: Access Control Lists
- TRUSTe (privacy certification)
- GNU Robots - program a robot world
- Bugtraq mailing list archives
- Citrix WinFrame for Unix
- WellMed (online health system, bigtime, hra, health records, etc)
- PhDx Systems, Inc. (online health)
- Total Corporate Wellness (online health)
- Samba
- Free X server for Windows and Mac
- Evolution (perl/web service company)
- New Humanists on the internet
- EvoScript (perl web app framework)
- Postmodern Generator
- I, Cringely: MS & Samba & Open Source
- windows shareware, etc
- 1998 Intranet/Web Salary Survey
- Linux Central (buy CD's in Michigan)
- DevWarehouse/Java (Java sources archive)
- Configurable Mozilla UI
- Pre-Computer Timeline
- Pollen/Spore Counts
- Satellite image map of the USA
- Red Hat Linux User's FAQ
- Daily Stock Market Forecast
- Solaris Access Control Lists
- Salon 21st | The joy of Perl
- The Java(tm) Telnet Applet
- Compariscope (product comparisons)
- I-NET ACCESS (local ISP)
- ICnet (local ISP, colocate @ ~$350/mo)
- Bizarre Stuff You Make in Your Kitchen
- Slow Wave (dream comics)
- Frame Buffer FAQ (Sun video modes)
- SURFboard cable modems & Linux
- Lowrent: free hosting of linux sites
- Wearable Computing
- WearComp6 do-it-yourself
- Demotivational Posters
- Wine (Windows on Unix)
- Transaction Net (money theory)
- DevLinux (pay for freeware work)
- 2RAD (awesome site)
- Enlightenment Window Manager
- Share in Xanadu Zigzag!
- KVoiceControl - just say it!
- Search The WhoBuiltIt Directory
- HOWTO Bargain Plane Tickets
- valerie mates (A2 web contractor)
- Halloween Document (MS vs Open Source)
- Halloween Document II
- Remembering the Net crash of ?88
- Intel Web Applets
- Netpedia free open source site hosting
- L0pht Heavy Industries (hacking)
- BTTV (Linux & TV)
- The Clip Art Connection
- Mega Web Tools
- TakeOut Express
- ReplyNet, data broadcasting & collection
- Top 20 Ann Arbor Restaurants
- Ann Arbor Guide: Downtown
- Bessarabia Home Page
- Star Division (free unix office suite)
- TkSmb (samba, smbclient, gui)
- Futurestep (executive recruiting)
- PeopleScape (net exec job recruiting)
- Guidelines For Children's Advertising
- Linux Tips & Tricks
- Boustrophedon text reader (backwards)
- WebMD - Health & Wellness
- JCam - Java S/W for Digital Cameras
- First Auction
- eBay - Trading Community
- M-Net (A2 free public-access ISP)
- Public Records from KnowX
- Artificial Life (commercial alife bots)
- TPC.INT (FAX by email)
- Deception ToolKit
- eMedicine - Epidemiology & Statistics
- DreamHost (cool hosting service)
- ThoughtTreasure (cool NL/AI server)
- Signiform (eg small business site)
- Linux LAN Information
- Intellectual Property (patent search)
- SANE: Scanner Access Now Easy
- Real Age (HRA)
- WAIT - CPAN Search Engine
- CPAN search
- Gifsicle: Animated GIFs for UNIX
- Private Citizen (anti-telemarketing)
- Boycott Microsoft
- eg web page themes (styles)
- WDVL: Encyclopedia of Web Tech
- Hoovers (company info)
- PalmPilot With Linux
- Xlibris (vanity publisher)
- Unix as an element of literacy
- Healthy Palmpilot (medical)
- Palm Modem/Web/Email/Fax FAQ
- Clicq (Unix shell ICQ)
1999 Jan-Jun
- Fubar Furby
- (Very funny movie clips)
- Palm Development HOWTO
- Running a Domain Over a Part Time Dialup
- How to Evaluate Internet Sources
- LifeHealth
- Starr Wars poster parody
- Daylight Saving Time (when/where)
- Linuxbox - Free GNU/OSS Hosting
- Using Linux with 3com's Palm Pilot
- HotWired: RGB Gallery - Archive
- Toshiba/Microsoft Saga (Windows refund!)
- Programming as if Quality Mattered (ESR)
- (PilotManager, Perl, etc - palm)
- EuroCool - Desktop - Unix (palm)
- Palm-related softwarew sources
- (free unlimited webspace, etc)
- World's Smallest Web Server
- Jump! (free web-based PIM/organizer)
- Linux Support Line! (free OSS hosting)
- Advantage (A2 consultants group)
- A2 Softworks (consultants group ~U-M)
- The Brain (cool organizing s/w)
- Zork CGI
- sfm (Simple File Manager)
- Windows NT PPP & Palm
- Netscape PalmPilotPlugin
- Og cartoon from an ad
- sitecopy (unix maintain remote web)
- ZapZone: Free Web Email for sites
- SunPCi (WinNT card for Suns)
- (search index)
- Love and UNIX: An Undying Affection
- Learn Spanish (online tutorial)
- Classifieds2000
- Carfax (used vehicle history reporting, lemon check, $20)
- textfiles (80s e-texts)
- MultiPlan (use You First HRA)
- PPT: Unix in Perl
- MS = Frankenstein & Igor? :-)
- Perl & Postmodernism (Wall)
- Cut Internet Explorer from Win98
- PriceSCAN - Price Search Engine
- BUY.COM Internet Superstore (unrec)
- eCode: e-cards & addr books
- Palm III memory expansions for $100
- Connect Palm to Internet
- Usenet via AvantGo
- ProxiWeb (Palm browser)
- XML Intro & Resources (LinuxWorld)
- Printer Daemons, Printcap Files
- Ethernet Codes: Vendor codes
- Palm Screen Protector Tips
- PC/Palm buy sales (rec)
- Vault Reports (inside/culture corp info)
- Origins & Future of Open Source Software
- Netperson (nofrills MI ISP)
- CRT 2.4 (best telnet for PCs)
- Brain Power (Slashdot jobs database)
- @wabasoft (Palm||WinCE||Java platform)
- ContractEdge (consulting contracts)
- What I do, why I do it (eg resume)
- Starfleet Command (Sundstrom)
- Microsoft's New Brain Project (Rupert)
- Jargon File Resources
- The LinuxStore (cheap Linux systems)
- Practice of Programming (Kernighan/Pike)
- Command-line NT: it does exist!
- The Universal Currency Converter(tm)
- interesting HTML page design/layout
- Web Host Guild (hosting certification)
- VeriHost - Webhosting Certification
- Web2010 (good webhosting?)
- Dreamweaver download
- CNET Shopper: shop/buy online
- Web Survey Tutorial
- DataStar -- The Survey Specialists!
- PHP3: PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
- Inet Survey- Free Market Surveys
- LUIGUI (U-M Linux usability research)
- Kagyu Buddhism (A2)
- Jewel Heart (A2 Buddhism)
- Godel, Escher, Bach
- WebAnswers (surveys, etc)
- Netscape Enterprise Developer magazine
- Keyboard on armrests
- Everything (hyperlinked communal brain)
- H2G2 (Hitchhiker's Guide, communal)
- Quikwriting (Grafitti alternative)
- Interview with Ken Thompson, May 1999
- KnowledgeMiner (auto DM/KDD)
- Associates Program
- InfoBeam (pager <-IR-> Palm for info)
- Web Hosting ($8.25/mo)
- (, etc)
- IT Salary Survey
- Net-Temps Job Posting (career)
- Net-Temps Java Jobs
- Job Board (career)
- Anagram Genius
- Stars Wars as an ASCII movie
- FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service
- job search engine
- job search engine (meta-searcher!)
- 1-jobs database
- Freedrive (free 20MB disk space)
- The Speedtrap Registry
- PC Hardware for Source Code UNIX
- UseNetServer.Com Inc.
- - servers starting at $152
- U-M Web survey service
- "In begin ... command line" (Stephenson)
- HTTP Config: (htmail, etc)
- CPUniverse - Contract Professional
- Low-cost Linux PCs
- Factoid - life memory PDA
- Monster job auctions
- Hack Furby (& Palm)
- SpamCop - File a spam report
- Drunken Monkeys: Pocket Monkey!
- PalmVNC
- Palm OS - Linux Documents
1999 Jul-Dec
- Internet Oracular SETI Team
- Cardservice West (credit card service)
- CYBERNET (cool A2 jobsite)
- Dihydrogen Monoxide (spoof site)
- VMware (Windows under Linux, eg)
- The Geek Code Decoder Page
- The Official Nerdity Test Homepage
- Free Web Fax Service,
- Sony headmount display
- AIBO (robot dog)
- CompHardware (Linux hardware database)
- LhD: The Linux Hardware Database
- Kismet (MIT AI face robot)
- Kinjo (free net file share space)
- J-pilot (Unix Palm desktop)
- Cult of the Palm Pilot
- Mr.Wakeup (free wakeup/reminder calls)
- Gooey (chat b/w websurfers)
- Juga (Cyber Yugoslavia)
- sourceXchange (paid opensource projects)
- Cosource (paid opensource projects)
- ($50+ for resumes)
- Mastering 3D Graphics ($$)
- 3D Graphics Gallery
- Windshield Relief (for stickers)
- MarketTools (e-surveys, etc)
- Open Palm Group: Free Software for Palm
- Quotesmith (insurance quotes)
- LinkExchange (small website help)
- PrivacyWizard (policies generator)
- Bigstep (free small biz websites)
- The Longevity Game (~HRA)
- Linux graphics (CompuPic, Blender, etc)
- Edmund's (car pricing)
- Kelley Blue Book (car pricing)
- (car pricing)
- HealthGate (medline search, etc)
- NewsCom Search - Logos
- BMK Global (odor elimination)
- MediaBuilder Icon Library
- DNS Wizard - Remote DNS Management
- Totally Free Stuff - web freebies
- XDrive (free net disk space)
- Palm Datebook Loader (Usenix eg)
- Palm Stuff (an A2 hacker's)
- pilot.screwdriver (Web Palm converter)
- Welcome to Net2Phone
- Yahoo! Personal Health Test (HRA)
- WholeLinux AutoInstaller (easy soho net)
- How to Make $$ with Open Source
- Sharity (SMB client for Unix)
- ZOT Group (eg virtual web consultancy)
- SimpleNet (dedicated & coloc ISP)
- (for small business)
- A Home LAN How-To
- A Cable Modem LAN How-To
- Cable Modem Help
- (Home) Networks Made Easy
- Linux on laptops
- Internet Mapping Project
- peacock maps (posters of the Internet)
- Hurricane Electric (great site hosting)
- USPTO: Patent/Trademark/Copyright
- Notebook PCs: Review
- Linux on Laptops
- NetMind (URL Minder, monitor/track)
- Digital Blasphemy 3D Wallpaper
- Free desktop wallpaper
- Mike Bonnell's Computer Wallpaper
- Linux CD Image Directory
- Gamma Correction Explained
- Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution (book)
- Welcome to the O'Reilly Open Books Project
- CGI Programming on the World Wide Web (book)
- MH & xmh: Email for Users & Programmers (book)
- William Shatner Acting Simulator - Hecklers Online -
- Diligence, Patience, and Humility (Wall)
- Why geek geniuses lack social graces
- Jini, Palm & Lego Mindstorms
- (job auction)
- Hugo de Garis (AI, Alife, CAM-Brain, etc)
- Discovery Health (HRA)
- 24/7 Network (web advertising)
- Health On the Net Foundation
- Health On the Net (HON): HONcode: Principles
- Patterns Home Page (software design)
- NetNation (Web Hosting)
- Zope (open-source web application server, site building)
- CSA Linux Test Drive (test accounts)
- Zork & Interactive Fiction for Palm
- Palm Development w/ GCC on Win95 How-To
- Eagle Geocoder: Address->Latitude+Longitude+Map
- UNIXhelp for users
- click2send: easy deposit/pick up a file
- Funny filters in Perl (jive, pig latin, swedish chef, etc)
- The Programmers' Stone
- OpenSales/OpenMerchant (open source e-commerce)
- Atlas of Cyberspace (various Internet visualizations)
- Billpoint (free credit card payment service)
- The WarForge (cracker site)
- (cracker site)
- Home, smart home (X10 automation Linuxworld)
- AOLserver (Linuxworld, database webserver)
- The Festival Speech Synthesis System (unix text-to-speech)
- Building Number Three (Video for Linux)
- qcread FTP (QuickCam control)
- Plugger (Streaming Multimedia Plugin for Unix Netscape)
- Starfleet Command, Chief of Personnel
- Does time really exist?
- Blue Mountain Arts' Electronic Greeting Cards
- GuideStar (charity disclosures)
- NCCS (charity disclosures)
- Doom for `kill -9` sysadmin
- Forum 2000 (automated oracle-like thing)
- Adbility (Web Site Banner Advertising)
- Ouroboros: The Gnostic Ring
- The Gnosis Archive
- Reciprocality (wild Programmer's Stone followups)
- UNIX- and Development-Resources for the Pilot
- Palm: Software Development - Alternatives to C
- The gif2png home page
- (Java Palm emulator)
- (question/answer economy)
- TigerNT (English<->Chinese dictionary)
- Origins of Sysadmins
- RateHost (site hosting comparisons)
- Datebk3 Icons Warehouse (Palm datebook)
- Datebk3 Icons Page (Palm datebook)
- WorkSpot (Linux|HTML desktop via Web|Palm)
- Enlighten (awesome Ann Arbor web development company)
- Shields UP! -- Internet Connection Security Analysis
- digitalNATION! (quality web hosting, colococation, etc)
- Cobalt (cool Linux-based Web server appliance)
- Welcome to
- SourceForge (free open-source website hosting)
- Thomas Pilot Page (Palm programming under Linux)
- Linux PR (press releases)
- Slashdot: Interface Zen (Tom Christiansen, flow, vi, rogue, keyboards, anti-mice)
- JobOptions -Job Database, Private Resume Builder and Recruitment Resource
- A.M. Best Ratings Search (insurance)
- Stuck With Old Browsers Until 2003 (Alertbox April 1999)
- Better Health (Australia)
- Dumb Laws
- Philosophy Foundation Introductory Page
- WebMuseum
- PassportAccess (include my resume w/o permission)
- Digital Paths (free handheld Internet access)
- (free questions answered)
- Flycast Communications (web advertising)
- Juggernaut Search [Engine] (GPL code)
- Dyson autonomous [robot] vacuum cleaner
- Linux vs. University of Michigan/Microsoft
- Eric Guilla Seiffert
- Megaputer Intelligence (PolyAnalyst data mining)
- Xybernaut wearable computers (Linux!)
- Download Adobe FrameMaker Beta (for Linux)
- OpenSRS (Alternative Domain Registrar) $13
- The Palm Software page (palm development)
- Palm Programming: The Developer's Guide (online book)
- Plucker! Web portal for your Palm device (GPL)
- Crowds (web anonymity/privacy)
- MagicPoint (~PowerPoint for X11, cool!, source has good X11 fonts advice)
- Empeg Ltd's Empeg MP3 Car Audio Player
- GnuCash! (~Quicken, personal finanace, money)
- CBB -- Money Management for Unix (Perl)
- Life Balance walkthrough for Palm
- XMLterm - GUI Command Line Interface (XML + xterm)
- XTERM - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Embperl - Embed Perl in Your HTML Documents
- Melloworld (cool consultancy)
- How Stuff Works
- Select Smart (politics, etc)
- Palm OS Desktop HOWTO
2000 Jan-Jun
- WellCall (health, wellness, etc)
- - U.S./Canada Wages
- eWork- Market-Based Professional Project Exchange (jobs)
- Solaris Helpers (Netscape plugins, etc)
- Solaris Central Contact Info (eg site ad rates)
- autoproject: template open source project
- home
- Bittco (NetReality, 3D web browser for Linux)
- developerWorks
- Bruce Sterling's Viridian Manifesto
- The Unified Code for Units of Measures - Tables
- Linux Magazine | Uncultured Perl (Larry Wall)
- Kibo : Official Home of James "Kibo" Parry
- Slashdot | Best Online Financial Solution? (banking)
- Half-Dead Spider Entertainment (rogue for palm)
- Shopping Cart Technology, Virtual Storefronts, Shopping Carts (cheap?)
- Acme Klein Bottles (Cliff Stoll)
- What, Me Exercise? (hackers program)
- Hacker's Diet Tools for the Palm Computing Platform
- Science Panel on Interactive Communication and Health (SciPICH)
- Sig Codes (Geek, etc)
- WhoreCode v2.0
- Magic Code v0.92
- GEHENNOM GOO (mysticism & religion links)
- Communitech (recommended web hosting)
- Slashdot on recommended web hosting
- Ameritech Local Call Lookup
- Health Level 7
- Health Informatics Standards - HL7
- American Journal of Health Promotion (Mike O'Donnell)
- XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language
- (free PC->phone long distance calls)
- Qubit (cordless home computer)
- Debunking Open-Source Myths (Gartner Group)
- Linuxcare - Buyer's Guide
- Slashdot | Articles | More Wireless Networking for Linux
- Ask A Stranger (kinda oracle-like)
- Linux & Wireless LANs
- CERT/CC Understanding Malicious Content Mitigation For Web Developers
- Cross Site Scripting Info: Encoding Examples
- | Take Control of Your Online Internet Privacy
- Drkoop Goes Off the Record (Industry Standard, online personal health records)
- Pocketgram (free greeting cards for Palm)
- (freelance job 2-way auction)
- Linuxguide (Linux apps that can replace Microsoft's)
- Moneydance for Java (Quicken replacement?)
- - thousands of movie scripts, tv scripts, novels, and plays
- - automated online security evaluation
- Xinvest/Xquote Home Page
- Perl Mongers: Career Center
- VelociGen: Server Side Programming with Perl and Tcl
- GE Financial Network | Home Page
- Perl2Exe (free?, Unix & Windows)
- Welcome to CAEN Linux (umich linux)
- The Perl Archive - free cgi and perl script links
- shufflebrain
- High Performance Web Hosting
- IT Zone (Ann Arbor)
- Linux VR (on large handhelds)
- NetBSD/hpcmips (on handhelds/notebooks)
- Manipulating XML documents with Perl
- XML for the absolute beginner - JavaWorld April 1999 (XSL, DOM, resources!)
- Joker (cheap domain registrar)
- (cheap, good registrar!)
- Ann Arbor Computer Society
- Window Managers for X
- IceWM (mouse-less windows manager, cross-platform, small & good for notebooks)
- Butt Prints in the Sand [rec.humor.funny]
- CTWM - The window manager for smart windows.
- New Scientist: Random Reality
- Mason (open-source, Perl web site development/delivery engine)
- Poetic Technologies: Aura (anti-cubicle, work station)
- Mason - the automated firewall builder for Linux
- Tax Smarts
- Road Runner Security
- (free VMware)
- - Advanced Image Editing Techniques Using the GIMP (and copyright-free photo archive)
- - Religion Statistics
- Apache/Perl Integration Project (mod_perl)
- NetBank (high interest checking)
- Using a Palm with an Ericsson i888 Cellphone (wireless)
- Dedicated Servers (Rackspace)
- FBI - Freedom of Information Act - Alphabetical Listing
- Natural Language Principles in Perl
- Where No Flag Has Gone Before (moon, Jack Kinzler)
- Cycle Computer (Sun Ultra 2 upgrades)
- (restricted corporate health, HRA?)
- my WebMD (includes great Web HRA)
- Perlmasters Perl Script and CGI Script Resource Site
- AnywhereYouGo - Global Wireless Development Community
- (online team project management, included w/i WorkWired)
- Personal Internet Appliance (Linux, base $300 w/o monitor)
- Find A Grave
- CONFERENCE: The Internet and the Public's Health
- Used PalmPilots.Com Buy, Sell, Trade up
- WellMed's Wireless Initiative Puts Health Care in the Hands of Patients (online hra, personal health record, palm)
- (free email w/ cool addrs like me@*.com)
- jbp (Jordan Pollack, AI, computer scientest, entrepeneur, interesting, copyrights, patents, etc)
- Linux with Laptop Computers - LiLAC
- (paid expert advice, ORA:CLE-like)
- Brainbench (free online certification exams)
- Asynchrony (collaborative s/w development, marketing)
- Welcome to The Moon Land Registry Online!
- Linux Laptops (for sale, out of business?)
- ASL, Inc. (linux, laptops, etc)
- SunWorld: Rollover effects made easy
- Vim 5.6 Reference Guide
- Find the black dot! (optical illusion)
- sodaplay (cool simulation/toy)
- Linux on a Laptop
- PerlOS (OS, GUI, shell, etc in perl)
- DomainNameBuyersGuide: Unbiased advice on choosing a Domain Name Registrar
- Lojban (artificial human language ala Esperanto)
- Books By Orson Scott Card - Shadow of the Hegemon - Chapter 1 (Ender series)
- FreeWWWeb (free ISP, eg wireless Palm?)
- Free XDSL (sounds real, what's the catch?)
- WHquestion (volunteer answer question system, ~ serious oracle)
- Linux on the IBM Thinkpad 770 Series
- Linux on the IBM ThinkPad
- Linux on the IBM Thinkpad 770
- Debian on the ThinkPad 770
- "Making the Palm/Linux Connection" (POSE, VNC, xcopilot, pilot-link, etc)
- Palm OS Emulator Seeding (POSE official Palm emulator ~xcopilot)
- Geek Culture (sell t-shirts, etc)
- Slashdot | Surviving In The Corporate Republic (ideology of individualism)
- Family Practice (was .familymed.; Kurzweil's health site)
- (ann arbor jobs)
- (insurance, utilities, credit, etc)
- (idea forum)
- VolunteerMatch
- Quick Fix For Web Forms
-'s PalmStuff (emulator and development FAQs)
- Welcome to (domain names)
2000 Jul-Dec
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (meditation)
- Cambridge Relativity (physics, quantum, hawking)
- Discovery of H2 in Space Expalains Dark Matter and Redshift
- The Hacker FAQ (for bosses)
- Canaca-com Inc. (recommended web hosting ISP)
- NetMaster Networking Solutions (free firewall s/w for Linux)
- (expert advice by phone, ~oracle)
- Ananova (computer generated newscaster)
- - the java icon generator (16x16 and 32x32 picons-like system for Windows/IE site icons)
- Cases for PDAs, HPCs, Laptops, MP3 Players, Cell Phones and MiniDisc Players
- meet nic (Oracle's Internet appliance, Linux Netscape, $200 w/o monitor)
- (personal professional money management service, but no planning or overall asset allocation)
- Linuxworld: OpenShop (e-commerce for Linux)
- Mimetypes
- The Death Clock
- MAXfunds (help to select mutual funds, Ann Arbor-based)
- Matti Pitkanen (Topological Geometrodynamics, cosmology, consciousness, etc)
- MLive - Cars (Ann Arbor/Michigan new/used car search db, indexed classifieds)
- - Executive Recruiting and Consulting for E-commerce (job/resume site w/ very specific database?)
- Understanding USA (statistics, graphs, comprehensive & impressive)
- (web application s/w)
- SFNB (geek-recommended net bank)
- Auto Insurance Quote (self-maintained)
- FEED | Essay: The Question of Time (ie it doesn't exist)
- Principia Discordia
- Internet FAQ Consortium
- | Moving and Relocation Services
- SolidSpeed Networks (Ann Arbor-based, distributed hosting, jobs)
- WIRM: Web Interfacing Repository Manager (free Perl-based application server)
- TechRepublic - The IT Community Hub
- True Meaning of Life: Meditation Chamber (oracle-ish, AI?!)
- FREESCO - free replacement for commercial routers (insanely easy, small linux floppy firewall)
- - Character Encodings in XML and Perl
- UTF-8 Sampler (Unicode)
- UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ
- Unicode fonts and tools for X11
- FAME Information Services (Ann Arbor jobs)
- Agenda Linux - Your Portable PC (Linux PDA! $149+)
- Healthcare Tool (online web hra company)
- Interactive Health Risk Assessment (CVS web hra via
- Gurdjieff International Review
- UNIX history
- - The Global Professional-to-Professional Exchange of Knowledge and Expertise (oracle-like)
- Usenet Oldnews Archive
- The Perl Shell
- Lingua::Wordnet - The Perl Journal, Summer 2000
- PlanetFeedback Welcomes You!
- Deep Spring Meditations (inc Lovingkindness)
- DCCI (Michigan consultant jobs)
- ThinkGeek :: Gadgets :: 6 Gig Personal MP3 Jukebox
- - The world's premier free online journal and personal rating service
- Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1
- Practical XML with Linux, Part 2: A survey of tools
- Democracy and Stupidity (why George * Bush is too dumb to be president) (=> ethics site)
- HyperDiscordia, Confusion for a New Generation
- Memes, and Grinning Idiot Press
- PDFlib - a library for generating PDF on the fly
- developerWorks : Web architecture : Library - Papers
- Etymon: PJ (PDF parse, modify, create)
- Automating PDF Objects for Interactive Publishing (Web Techniques, Oct 1998)
- Planet PDF - A World of PDF Resources
- Acrobat and PDF at
- X-Faces (a bunch of sample b/w picons)
- (neat cursor tail effect in JavaScript)
- (HealthCyber, potential Chinese Web HRA partners, have our AWA online?)
- (more cursor tail images in JavaScript)
- Web Elite (Ann Arbor web site development company - jobs)
- More U.S. Children Being Diagnosed With Youthful Tendency Disorder
- World Birthday Web
- Welcome to
- BingoX, Carbon, XPP, Monkeywrench (open source Perl web application framework)
- Diversified Enterprises Descartes, Pocket-Bot and VersaBot Miniature Robots
- oecd.home (privacy statement generator)
- 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall (in many programming languages)
- Pantene Introduces New Behavioral Conditioner
- Pioneer Technology (Howell MI tech jobs)
- Interactive Logic Simulator
- Simcir - Java Logic Circuit Simulator Applet
- Where's George (currency bill tracking for fun)
- Free computer hardware and peripherals
- Quantum Consciousness (Penrose, microtubules; whoa)
- Starlab (bits-atoms-neurons-genes blue-sky research; Barcelona/Brussels)
- Verses Delineating the Eight Consciousnesses (Buddhist, Yogacara)
- - Wireless - Cell Phone Radiation Chart
- Poetic Technologies: Home (office stations, workspace, cubicles, chair/desk units)
- Wireless LAN Overview
- The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher, by John Taylor Gatto
- Charley Tart on Consensus Trance (dreams, consciousness, mindfulness)
- Health Check Risk Assessment (HRA)
- HealthScout (HRA)
- Welcome to - health risk assessments and calculators (HRA)
- Summit Medical Center's Home Page (HRA?)
- HealthCentral - HealthView (HRA)
- (HRA)
- The ASAP! Adult Health Survey Suite of Tools (HRA)
- BIO|ANALOGICS HMS1000 - Health Risk Analysis (HRA)
- HealthCalc Network (HRA)
- Wellness Online Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
- Welcome Medical Scientists' Corporate Web Site (HRA)
- (HRA)
- LifeStyle Directions, Inc. (LDI) (pay HRA)
- Sun Angel: The "Subtle Sybil" Effect (Tart, consciousness)
- Grokking the GIMP (book, online or print)
- Photo Touch Up and Enhancement in the GIMP
- A Techie Volunteer Corps (Geekcorps etc)
- The Abolition of Work
- Running on Emptiness: The Failure of Symbolic Thought
- Laszlo -- Subtle Connections (psi, Jung, quantum, mind)
- Ben Goertzel (mind, AI, etc)
- Why Time Moves Forward (scientific summary of consciousness)
- DREAM DYNAMICS (dreams as unlearning)
- Clipstream playerless streaming media for web pages
- Huston Smith: The Psychology of Religious Experience
- FISN Nationwide Certificate of Deposit Service (best CD rates)
- Mortgage rates, CD rates, auto loans, credit cards, mortgage news and more --
- The Hopi and Human Evolution
- Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI, Web services, XML)
- IBM Corporation-Services/UDDI:Register or find
- STELARC (performance art, robotics, body, cyborg)
- Am I HOT or NOT?
- direct search-Search Tools and Directories
- Yahoo! Experts
- Facelink (submitted face database, ~picons)
- eHealth Management (index to HRAs)
- ArsDigita Systems Journal: Managing Software Engineers
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Elbee Global (E-Health directory /HMRC/)
- (free PC-Phone calls, Spain but Madrid only?)
- (warp Gore & Bush pics, fun!)
- Sparse Distributed Memory - in Perl!
- Directory of /pub/netscape6/english/6.0
- ICANN | gTLD Registrar List
- CareSteps (Web HRA, Health & AI & neural nets)
- The OSDA Initiative (contract clauses for open source developers)
- Win4Lin (Windows under Linux - recommended)
- Win4Lin takes the pain out of Windows
- The Rules for being Human
- Tellme. (info by tollfree phone, free long distance calls?)
- (run HTTP GETs/scripts by phone call)
- (excel/web/sql/etc data viz & mining)
- Be Free, Inc. - Performance Marketing (banner ads, affiliate)
- Welcome To LinkShare (banner ads, affiliate)
- (doctor registry, Web HRAs)
- - iPAQ Pocket PC
- Workscape (GM+AOL employee portal, LifeSteps later?)
- Dragonfly Wireless (Ann Arbor, Linux, jobs)
- SideStep (travel, flight bargain search/comparator)
- Dual Citizenship FAQ
- Attention Deficit Disorder ADD and ADDH and Ritalin - Consider the Alternatives
- A tutorial on character code issues (ASCII, Unicode, set, encoding, ISO 8859)
- HumDrum: Guru Ratings
- DNA/HHGG Infocom Adventure
- SOAP, XML-RPC, .NET, Perl (don't view in Netscape)
- Introduction to mod_perl (web slides tutorial)
2001 Jan-Jun
- Linux Laptop SuperGuide
- Linux Hardware Database
- Perl::Flash - Perl Flash manipulation modules
- A Hyper-History of the Emerald Tablet
- The Emerald Tablet (alchemy for personal transformation)
- Commentary on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes
- Encyclopedia Mythica
- AntiOnline - Computer Security - Hacking & Hackers
- the Degree Confluence Project (GPS, photos)
- The Nessus Project (open source great security scanner)
- The Delphic Oracle Web Ring
- From the Unreal to the Real: an article in New Renaissance magazine by Steve Taylor
- Koshas: The State of the Mind
- Health Enhancement Research Organization
- MakeDocJ (PalmDOC<->text converter for Java JDK1.1.8, works)
- Free Lifetime Digital Sigs (online contracts service)
- PocketLinux (Linux/Java/XML on iPAQ,Helio,etc)
- Just UNIX Jobs
- Contract Employee's Handbook: Home Page
- Holographic Universe
- Linux-Windows file access
- Anatomy of a Linux System/Map of the Known Universe (PDF, O'Reilly)
- Godel, Escher, Bach (course at U-M)
- -- O'Reilly (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP+Python+Perl)
- use Perl | Creating Web Services with XML-RPC
- - Quick Start with SOAP
- Salon | Hunting the wild hacker (sysadmin work ethic)
- YAPC 2001: Yet Another Perl Conference
- Free Shell Provider List (ie login accounts)
- Surfraw - Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web
- spammimic - hide a message in spam
- Brain Actuated Technologies, Inc.
- Neural interface technology - BioControl Systems creates next generation human-computer interaction
- MediaBuilder (make gifs, 3d text, animated banners, buttons)
- Online PhotoLab (work images, gifs, etc)
- Lego Mindstorms, O'Reilly, Robot Building Instructions
- What are you worth?
- Pippy: Python for the Palm
- An introduction to SOAP (w/ Perl SOAP::Lite)
- - DBIx::Recordset VS DBI
- NextHop Technologies: Job Opportunities (Ann Arbor, Unix job)
- (global news as intelligence reports)
- NQC - Not Quite C (for Lego Mindstorms)
- (Perl & Lego Mindstorms)
- The Ideal Wise Guru - Mahatma Gandhi
- Mulberry Technologies -- Quick References (XML, XSLT, XPath)
- New Scientist: Random Reality (monads, Void as randomness)
- Web Developer's Virtual Library: The Perl You Need to Know (cookies, PDF, etc)
- Palm Notes - Free ISPs
- Perl XML FAQ 1.1
- Writing Database Oriented Web Based Applications With Perl
- Arabic2000.Com - How to Read Arabic on W3?
- The Arabian Oasis: Arabic on the WWW
- Ameritech: Local Calling Area Look-up
- Quantum physics and the nature of reality
- The Sufis and Idries Shah
- Paper CD Case
- (Access Health HRA-frontend demo, 11Apr2001)
- - The File Sharing Portal - Gnutella-Napster-Freenet-Information (p2p, mp3)
- Klaus Tappe, EMU, AATG-Mi (friday-group)
- Code for the Representation of the Names of Languages. From ISO 639, revised 1989.
- Country Code List: ISO 3166-1993 (E)
- VSH (Visual SHell) Home Page
- Linux.DaveCentral: vshnu
- - vshnu by Stephen B. Kinzler
- - webrowse by Stephen B. Kinzler
- freshports - shells/vshnu (FreeBSD)
- Slashdot | The Myriad Ways of Wiring Your Home?
- XMLSOFTWARE: The XML Software Site
- ICCF Holland - click to make a donation - Vim book
- OpenContent: Open Publication License
- The Hack FAQ
- Perl XML Quickstart: The Perl XML Interfaces [Apr. 18, 2001]
- Saturn Web Hosting
- BioSignia/Know Your Number (an HRA company into China)
- Stilyagi (Ann Arbor science fiction club)
- W3Schools Online Web Tutorials (HTML, XML, Javascript, SQL, Web, etc)
- DigiHost: Web Hosting (SEMiSLUG recommended)
- Continuum Concept (infants, socialization, tribal life)
- Pdf-to-Email Tip
- WellnessContinuum (Travis' mind/body/spirit Web HRA)
- Creating and Using Protection (pts) Groups for IFS (AFS)
- (online web hra [HealthCourse, WorkPulse], george/irun)
- Lifedesk Group Reports (online web hra group reports, WorkCare/group))
- Geek of the Week (me 19 May 2001)
- ITworld: Communicate with your Linux box using your Palm Pilot as a terminal
- Linux Distribution Round-Up
- The Society for Philosophical Inquiry (Chrostopher Philips, Socrates Cafes)
- Michigan Dept of Natural Resources - rustic camping by cabin (minicabins)
- The Perl Jobsite
- (tres cool)
- welcome : vim online
- Why Unicode Won't Work on the Internet
- Grimm's Fairy Tales
- The Web Tarot Reader
- Learning the Tarot - An On-Line Course
- (tm) - The source for quick reference cards (apache, emacs, tex, etc)
- REALMATRIX - MMLS Inc. Michigan Real Estate (multiple listing service)
- National Real Estate United States Homes For Sale -
- Real estate listings, homes for sale, home loans, home buying
- Welcome to
- Mars Exploration Rover-2003 Mission Participation Certificate
- Making an X Terminal from a PC (Linux Gazette #68)
- "Super-Toys Last All Summer Long" Brian Aldiss ("A.I." base short story)
2001 Jul-Dec
- FingerWorks (flat, gesture keyboard)
- Forte Tools (Sun Java IDE Web services applications open source)
- (Kelly's baby's) Photo Album
- Oracle's secret fault found (Delphi, natural gas fumes)
- Welcome to Starfleet Command
- Dotster: Domain Registration Services (cheap & recommended!)
- Home Network Security
- OpenSRS (wholesale domain registration, for resellers?)
- Registrar Rankings (domains)
- Linux DA (linux for palm)
- Quick Reference For Choosing a Free Software License (GPL, LGPL, etc)
- The configurator Toolkit (securing unix)
- (rate plan comparisons, phones, travel, insurance, etc)
- What Buddhists Believe
- Ven Thubten Gyatso's (Buddhist) teachings from Mongolia
- || Why do you get out of bed in the morning?
- When I Am King: An Online Comic Story by demian.5
- - Sizing up memory in Solaris (memtool, RMCmem)
- Palm handheld and Nokia 8290
- (sales website building/hosting)
- Computer Hyphenation, Home page.
- Computing Made Good, Easy (re simple, text-based, old-style Unixish user env)
- Globalmedic: The Healthcare Internet Technology Company (Web HRA, health record, analysis reports, etc)
- - Bannerless Free Web Hosting for Individuals & Small Businesses
- Soar Technology, Inc.: Employment (Ann Arbor, AI, downtown)
- HandEra 330 Review
- MemoWare - HandEra 330 Review (w/ s/w compatability lists)
- THE IRANIAN: Opinion, Afghanistan, Mohsen Makhmalbaf
- Communicate with Your Linux Box Using Your Palm Pilot as a Terminal
- Laptops and PDAs with Linux (sales of, German company)
- (Linux on Dreamcast HOWTO)
- Meme Lab: The Psychology of Awakening, Dr Susan Blackmore
- Liberty Alliance
- The Official MoversGuide
- "Bob" and the Oxygen Wars
- developerWorks: Linux | Open source projects : Cultured Perl: Reading and writing Excel files with Perl
- ASTALAVISTA.BOX.SK (security-related search engine)
- The Skipper Homepage
- NiF Elastic Catalog (awesome heirarchical navigation java applet)
- - Virtual Fitness Center (web health intervention)
- mblinks (links to web health sites)
- Medical and health care resources (comprehensive health maintenance site, nice [samanthakelly/sam])
- QuitNet - A Free Resource To Quit Smoking (health)
- Random Web Search
- FitLinxx: Home Page (health site)
- Info on weight management, healthy eating, weight loss, diet programs, diet counseling & meal plans.
- CBS HealthWatch Home Page
- The Ultimate Linux Box 20001: How to Design Your Dream Machine
- CDC: Leading Causes of Death Reports
- Building a Large-scale E-commerce Site with Apache and mod_perl [Oct. 17, 2001]
- || Secure Communications with OpenSSH
- Wellcoaches (web health exercise intervention)
- System Stanley (web health interventions)
- Johnson & Johnson (web health interventions somewhere in here)
- HealthMedia (web health interventions)
- Institute of Noetic Sciences - Home
- buying info: Web Redesign : Workflow That Works
- || Code Fuel (recipes)
- The 7th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition
- || The Purpose of Religion
- disinformation (extensive underground "hidden" information, cool, timewaster)
- RetroAccess (accessiblity evaluation, fedral regs)
- Mobile Internet Kit (GSM)
- The Sleepycat Software Home Page (Berkeley DB)
- Kibaale Childrens Fund (ICCF, sponsor, charity)
- U-M Policy on IP address standards (also 7-7736 Office of Policy and Admin)
- Health Privacy - Additional Resources
- Report on Internet health privacy regulations
- - Domain name registration and DNS management service that gives you control over your domains. (recommended)
- Dr. Arthur Deikman (papers on mysticism, consciousness, cults)
- (WAP, PQA, cell phone, IR, good general Palm site too, etc)
- AxisJournal (EJournal on philosophy, mysticism, metaphysics, spirituality, esotericism)
- Mozilla Bug 20417 - MailNews should support the X-Face header
- Wireless LAN resources for Linux (networking)
- PerlTimeline
- Slashdot | Best Billing Options for a Contract Position?
- Create Adobe PDF Online ($$)
2002 Jan-Jun
- DSL - - the place for BROADBAND (cable too)
- News.CIS.DFN.DE / News.FU-Berlin.DE (free news server)
- Batch and Third-Party (sed tips & tricks)
- Beginning Bioinformatics [Jan. 02, 2002]
- IU IT: Howto Install and Use SSH
- Knowledge Base - For Unix, what are ssh-agent and ssh-add, and how do I use them?
- Knowledge Base - In SSH and SSH2 for Unix, how do I set up public key authentication?
- Welcome to - By The SANS Institute (security)
- | Free Voicemail, Email and Fax--All in One Place!
- Palm OS: Creator ID Database
- University of Michigan ITCS Software Licensing and Distribution
- Developing Web Clippings (Palm PQA; online book)
- Palm OS (palmos development etc)
- Systemax iMass (autoconfiguring Linux network server)
- TPJ Magazine: Creating XML-RPC Web Services, Orwant (SOAP)
- mod_perl (cgi to mod_perl, mod_perl traps)
- nms (quality CGI script archive)
- LocalsLlive MP3s
- kcgeek :: do-it-yourself terrabyte array for $5000
- Laziness, Impatience, Hubris (virtues of a programmer, Perl)
- Cygwin (Unix environment for Windows, from Red Hat)
- The Solaris Helpers Page (tools and utilities)
- AffordableComputers.Com - New, Used, Refurbished or Custom Built Solutions (Ann Arbor, PC, Linux)
- Flynt Consulting Services (independent consultant eg site, A2, tcl/tk)
- Roadside America: World's Largest (Buffalo, Jamestown)
- Mayo Clinic HealthQuest Marketing
- USENIX - E-Learning from DigitalThink
- Squirrel Fishing
- Foresight Exchange
- E-Cards: Online Gifts and Greeting Cards
- Slashdot | It's Not About Lines of Code
- The Atlantic | April 2002 | Seeing Around Corners | Rauch (artificial life/societies, simulation)
- - Brando WorkShop Screen Protector (palm, rec)
- Stout Systems Development, Inc. (Ann Arbor contracting/consulting, jobs)
- FreeAgent AnnArbor (jobs, consulting, contracting)
- mod_perl in 30 minutes [Mar. 22, 2002]
- SCOTT eVEST - Technology Enabled Clothing[tm]
- 89.7 fm. KFJC, a 12 step rehab for your ears. (rec internet radio)
- Radio Paradise (rec internet radio)
- KPIG Radio Online (rec internet radio)
- IT Solutions - Web Development - Design
- 52Best Trips (thailand, singapore, china, etc)
- Web Page Design Agreement (sample consulting contract)
- PBrickLib - P{alm|rogrammable} Brick Library (Lego Mindstorms, Palm, IR)
- FreewarePalm: Robotic Mover v1.0 (Lego Mindstorms, Palm, IR)
- WebMD - Worst Cities for Allergy Sufferers
- Short-Term Savings Center: Savings Options
- Upgrade Type 5 Mice (Sun mouse 1200->4800bps)
- SEMISlUG headhunter/recruiter advice Michigan
- ThinkGeek :: Rio Riot
- The Perl You Need To Know (for mod_perl, our, strict, export)
- Perl and XML on the Command Line [Apr. 17, 2002]
- The Philosophical Health Check
- - Web Hosting (cheap, recommended, $100/mo)
- - Internet Service Provider (Ann Arbor? DSL rec)
- WWNET - Full service ISP (Ann Arbor? DSL rec)
- Cool Hubble Space Images (large tiffs available)
- - Teacher Ratings and Teacher Reviews
- Google Web APIs - Home
- Creative Commons (copyright, public domain)
- "Senate Panel Debates Divisive Internet Privacy Bill" (re health info)
- Finding a mod_perl ISP... or Becoming One [May. 22, 2002]
- Welcome to xxL's pages. (POSE port to Zaurus/Qtopia palmos->linux)
- Random Registration Generator
- || Is there really a technology worker shortage?
- Film88 (streaming RealPlayer $1 Hollywood movies)
- Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You - Powers Of 10: Interactive Java Tutorial
- Why Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS)? Look at the Numbers!
- The Oracle of Ya-Hoot
- Astrodienst (free astrology horoscopes, extensive charts, etc)
- Online Service Request, U-Michigan Utilities & Maintenance Services (to request fixes in HMRC Room 30)
- TCPA / Palladium FAQ
2002 Jul-Dec
- BookCrossing (book wandering/tracking/sharing)
- The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick, by R Crumb
- A.L.I.C.E. AI Foundation (Turing test winning Alice chatbot)
- Conference Presentation Judo
- Spider Eyeballs (cool cgi perl software for presenting image sets)
- Internet Sacred Text Archive Main Index
- MobiliX: Laptop Manufacturers - Linux Status
- XSH, An XML Editing Shell [Jul. 10, 2002]
- 3D-ESHOP (I-Cybie accessories)
- System Administrator Appreciation Day
- Web Development with Apache and Perl
- [ ..:: wu :: riddles(intro) ::..] (eg job interviews)
- ICCF Holland - click to make a donation - Lord Of The Rings
- The Perl Foundation: perl 5.8 press release
- O'Reilly Network: Creativity, Flow, and Joy in Programming [August 02, 2002]
- Slashdot | Consumer Friendly (or Disney Hostile) DVD Players?
- Web Hosting LList -- The Definitive Web Host Buyer's Guide
- U-M Employee Relations and Compensation (U-M Staff Tuition Assistance)
- Slashdot | Portable MP3 Player w/ Unix Support?
- A Plan for Spam
- || technology and culture, from the trenches
- Michigan Skydiving drop zones
- Slashdot | Perl & LWP (O'Reilly, screen-scraping incl HTML parsing)
- Home - (Platform for Privacy Preferences, P3P, W3C)
- tomsrtbt home page (linux rescue disc)
- LNX-BBC: Home (linux rescue disk)
- Linuxcare Bootable Toolbox (linux rescue disc)
- KNOPPIX - Live Linux Filesystem On CD
- Amazon Light
- (persistence engine for Perl CGI as-is, $$)
- Web Test Tools (load testing, HTTP; others too)
- got2eat - advanced job and employment search engine
- (about GPL)
- VSO (volunteer overseas)
- The Fusion of Perl and Oracle [Sep. 04, 2002]
- Dynamic DNS Network Services (free for home machines, eg etc)
- Internet Software Consortium - BIND - Other BIND and DNS Resources
- DNS Oversimplified: How to check your DNS
- The Coroner's Toolkit (TCT) (deleted file recovery, etc; solaris, linux, etc)
- The Homunculus Project (cool scientific visualization)
- Don Alberto, Ecuadorian Shaman
- Legal Information, Books, Software and Forms - Nolo
- Chilling Effects Clearinghouse (law, trademark, copyright)
- SAGEwire | Resume writing tips for technical people
- Slashdot | Cheap SSL Certificates for Small Websites?
- Mannisto's String-Math book idea (string theory, navajo, no verbs, universe as vibration)
- The DateBk Cookbook
- Science -- Melanie Mitchell 298 (5591): 65 (review of A New Kind of Science by Stephen Wolfram)
- Write a Web service using SOAP::Lite
- - fast, cheap webhosting web host with php, mysql, php3, php4, php cheap web hosting
- MobiliX: How to Change from any PDA to a Linux PDA
- PuTTY Download Page (best SSH for Windows)
- GB2312 (Simplified Chinese) character code table
- The Perl Job site
- JFreeChart (java chart/graph, applets, etc)
- Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Linux and Rsync
- Slashdot | SQL Fundamentals
- Educate Yourself for Tomorrow (cool online courses re self-knowledge, spirituality, etc)
- Kall8 Toll free 800 telephone service.
- What is U-M Online? (U-M email after graduation,retirement)
- URAC (health website accreditation)
- java charts and graphs - applets - servlets
- Lansing Buddhist Association (Chiu-mei rec, amitabha)
- Sites Blocked in China - Highlights
- Universal Command Guide for Operating Systems
- mplayer - movie player for linux (& Solaris, best media player)
- How to install Debian over a network - Nov 13, 2001
- paradoycheck - More Rez (& Reciprocality, playstation game)
- Turn-Key Linux Audio (Mandrake)
- Programming with Mason [Dec. 11, 2002]
- LocalMotion (Betsy's non-profit)
- How to Buy a Car
- Autoweb How to Buy a Car
- Autobytel How to Buy a Car
- #TL04A: The Most Fundamental Human Problem
- Trend Micro - Free online virus Scan (java)
2003 Jan-Jun
- Wired News: Bush's Year of U.S. Surveillance
- 2001_09 | Predictive Modeling Holds Promise of Earlier Identification, Treatment
- The Mason Book
- Urban Legends Reference Pages
- Window Managers for X
- miavita Diabetes Site Tour (health site)
- Schema/DTD Editors
- DTD2Schema
- XML DTDs Vs XML Schema
- GeoTrust - QuickSSL (verisign alternative, lifesteps used)
- "The Great Initiation" Richard Tarnas (mysticism, culture, etc)
- Yahoo! Groups : aawlan (Ann Arbor wireless networking, 802.11)
- ~ CGI-Shell (command line via CGI)
- Free File (income tax filing w/ IRS)
- Celestia: A 3D Space Simulator
- Putting Linux on a laptop
- Behind the Name - the Etymology and History of First Names
- - Sharp Zaurus SL-C700
- Recycle Ann Arbor (inc computers)
- Godseye (geographic URLs)
- Broadway Bridges Reconstruction Project
- Broadway Bridge Information
- Exotic Sodas
- Why Nerds are Unpopular
- Google as Big Brother
- Quantum phenomena in biology
- MayoClinic HRA (public)
- SANS Institute - Computer Security Education and Information Security Training
- E-029 2003 And Beyond (comprehensive tech/IT forecast)
- FLY (webserver on a dead fly)
- U-M Computer Showcase: Dell Desktops
- Dell - Dell Home Systems Rebates
- Dell - Home & Home Office - My Account
- Dell - Dell Exchange (tradein, recycle, sell or donate old computers)
- Using HTML with the Palm
- Freeware Palm
- World of Ends (What the Internet Is ...)
- - The PalmOS Open Source Portal
- Partition Magic / Boot Magic $70
- (Ann Arbor DSL ISP very! recommended)
- HIPAA | Training Modules (U-M HMRC, researcher class for me)
- Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time
- HealthAtoZ + HMRC HRA ad page
- make a starship enterprise out of a floppy
- webFonts4Linux: High-quality TrueType fonts for the web
- XFree86 Font De-uglification HOWTO
- Fonts and Colors (X11, X Windows)
- BootIt Next Generation (bootitng, multi/dual-boot, disk partitioning, shareware, XP NTFS)
- "My Desktop Odyssey Update" (desktop Linuxes reviewed/compared)
- "How to install another hard disk" (Linux)
- LinWiz (online wizard for iptables firewall configurations)
- "What Does Mysticism Have to Teach Us About Consciousness?"
- Why Am I Getting All This Spam?
- NetStumbler (802.11 Wi-Fi inc wardriving software)
- Sizes of Starships
- Hackers and Painters (essay on programming)
- The Gospel according to Neo (The Matrix & Christianity)
- Customer Survey, Online Survey Software, Customer Satisfaction Surveys - Zoomerang
- Linux Distributions Guide
- Embedded Linux "Cool Devices" Quick Reference Guide
- Brain-injury victims better at recognizing liars
- Noh Masks & Facial Expression Perception
- Gospel of Thomas, split-screen
- Brown's human universals
- "The Matrix Reloaded" - Transcript
- Hows Your Health (Dartmouth Web HRA)
- infoSync World : Palm OS news and reviews
- Synoptics + Thomas
- The Geometer's Sketchpad - : Hypercube
- allism
2003 Jul-Dec
- Tom's Hardware Guide Networking: Building A Home Network From Scratch - The Ins and Outs of Building a Home Network
- Create Debian Linux packages
- Comparing Linux/UNIX Binary Package Formats
- Metaphilm - Fight Club (as Calvin & Hobbes!)
- Virus Busters (U-M) (scams, hoaxes, fraud, worms)
- [] - Welcome
- Category Reviews - Financial Software for Linux
- "Zen and the Art of Corporate Productivity" (meditation in the workplace)
- Linux Journal Announces Winners of 2003 Editors' Choice Awards
- RAAR Effect (cool optical illusion, spinning)
- Reciprocality Book List
- Using SSH Secure Shell to Connect to Host Computers [Windows]
- Using SSH Secure Shell to Transfer Files with sftp [Windows]
- Internet Week > Encryption > Michigan Public Health Institute Cuts Costs With Desktop Encryption > August 1, 2003
- Dick Siegel
- Welcome to Bobby WorldWide (website accessibility tester)
- Home Page Reader for Windows Version 3.0* (web browser for blind)
- Writing With Elvish Fonts
- linux_desktop (Ian! D. Allen =~ Kinzler)
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- Software Wars images (Microsoft vs Linux vs etc)
- Institute for the Study of the Neurologically Typical
- Which SSL - SSL Certificate Guide - SSL Certificate Comparison
- Plugger Testing Grounds (mozilla, netscape, plugins)
- Slashdot | Top 10 Software Titles Every Home PC Needs?
- SANS Top 20 Vulnerabilities - The Experts Consensus (common security problems, including vulnerable ports)
- LJBG: subcategory (Linux laptops/workstatsions)
- Qli Linux Computers - Custom Linux Laptops with your choice of Linux Distribution Pre-Installed
- Birthday Alarm, Birthday Cards and Reminders (electronic greeting cards)
- WCC: Room Locator
- G.Mate YOPY YP-3700 Linux PDA Review (Pics, Specs)
- MSU Mirror for Linux, Red Hat, Mozilla, Ssh, Ximian
- ICCF Holland - click to make a donation - Lord Of The Rings
- The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus - A BuzzFlash Reader Commentary
- anyweb's Red Hat Linux Tips (mozilla java plugin, etc)
- SANS Institute - Security Policy Project
- Securing a Windows XP Webserver
- CVS homedir
- Terrence McKenna Psychedelic Audio Library (MP3)
- AskIgor - Automated Debugging Service (Linux executables)
- NOVA - The Elegant Universe - Brian Green (QuickTime/RealVideo)
- Drupal (website platform system, PHP)
- Gallery (photo website platform)
- The Atlantic | Dec 2003 | The Bubble of American Supremacy | Soros
- The Capitalist Threat - 97.02 (Soros)
- THE MEATRIX: Fight Factory Farms!
- - Palm, Visor, Clie, iPAQ & PDA Parts, Accessory & Service Specialist
- Cthulhu Chick Tract
- VLC multimedia player for Linux (MPEG, DivX, mp3, ogg, streaming, DVD, VCD, etc)
- Understanding Open Source Software (Groklaw)
2004 Jan-Jun
- Red-billed Scythebill (bird with long curved beak)
- What You Can't Say (taboo, heresy, conformity)
- Linux to Windows software translation (major Linux application software)
- The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux. (Official site of the table)
- - Compare product prices, read customer reviews of stores
- Logarithmic Maps of the Universe (J. R. Gott)
- Baudrillard Short Introduction
- Nit-Pickers Guide to The Lord of the Rings
- (free redirection for long URLs, never expire)
- Penrose-Hameroff Slideshow (quantum consciousness, microtubules)
- Dilbert (dogbert, reciprocality, meaning of universe)
- Swipe (privacy, drivers license, barcode)
- Usenet Physics FAQ
- Linux Online - Linux on a Laptop
- Linux on Laptops
- NASA Occupational Health - Health Risk Appraisal list (HRA)
- Windows Services for UNIX Home
- Pew Internet and American Life Project
- Vim Regular Expressions 101
- (20 Questions, AI, artificial intelligence)
- Lightstone Monitor (Wild Divine, HRV, SCL)
- Lightstone Profiler src
- Clie PEG-UX50 FAQ
- The Command Line - The Best Newbie Interface? -
- SSH via a Web Browser
- FTP to SFTP Bridge -
- All-in-one - People finder, multiple search engines. Search and Reverse Search. Find People N times faster!
- Tadpole makes SPARC Solaris, Linux, Sun Java Desktop System Notebooks (linux laptops)
- - Das HandEra 330-Forum
- (republican, democrat, campaign funding, contributers)
- Tom's Hardware Guide PCs & HowTo: Migrating from Windows to Linux, Part 1: Preparation - Introduction
- [quant-ph/0402127] Quantum Entanglement in Time
- US Driver's License Numbers - Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, perhaps others
- Unique ID - The numbers that control your life
- Multiple UNIX compromises on campus (security)
- Gurdjieff Legacy -- Christianity
- 1&1 Internet Inc. (cheap domains, DNS)
- Furl - Your web page filing cabinet
- MathWorld
- spamgourmet - free disposable email addresses, spam blocking
- The Archetypes of the Female and the Shadow in Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ"
- Social problems and occult tendencies: SIMPOS information
- HotSpots Locator - Wireless Hotspot Search Engine
- The Gematriculator (% evil, % good)
- The Unofficial #fedora FAQ
- Sony Clie & Linux (USB, Memory Stick, etc)
- Clie Linux HOWTO page (USB, Memory Stick, etc)
- Red Hat 9 migration options
- Cognitive Development and Intelligence
- Rational Domains for Developmental Psychology
- VG Nett: StarMatch (match photo to celebrities)
- nerveman.gif (GIF Image, 373x332 pixels)
- Public IP - FREE WiFi Solutions - Open Source Wireless Internet
- Web Testing with HTTP::Recorder (easy screen scraping)
- VisitorVille: Web Site Intelligence for Creative Thinkers. Visitor Analytics - Web Site Statistics - Traffic Monitoring - Clickstream Analysis - Live Help.
- (shared website logins, bypass registration)
- consciousness studies
- The History of Programming Languages
- UNIX History (cool big chart to printout, timeline)
- Computer Languages History (cool big chart to printout, timeline)
- EmperorLinux Catalog (linux laptops, preconfigured as desired!)
- LILEKS (James) The Institute of Official Cheer (weird old cartoons/comics)
- MLA Language Map
- DNS Report (excellent check on a domain's DNS config, MX, SOA)
- Zen And The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Today's Front Pages
2004 Jul-Dec
- Hotwire (travel discount bargaining, flights, hotels)
- Reviews of vacations, hotels, resorts, vacation and travel packages - TripAdvisor
- Travelaxe: Search and Compare Multiple Travel Websites for Great Hotel Rates
- HumanScale Freedom Chair w/Headrest (comfy!)
- Jeremy's Mozilla Extensions (bandwidth tester, tinyurl generator)
- Jenny Turpish Slapped Me: Quizzes - Better Personality
- Skype (p2p telephony & IM, worldwide cheap long distance phone calls)
- Consultant & Independent Contractor Agreements - Summary - Law Store - Nolo
- (sample website freelance contract agreement)
- (Ann Arbor colocation web hosting)
- The Underground History of American Education - John Taylor Gatto
- Great Hackers
- Quantum Consciousness . Stuart Hameroff
- (voip, internet phone, test)
- *38 (caller ID spoofing)
- Fitness on the Job (
- Free Salary Survey Reports and Cost of Living Reports
- i-neighbors (social networking by geography/neighborhood)
- quiet american - one minute vacations (ambient sounds, mp3, world)
- Online Validation and Analysis Services (check HTML, XHTML, CSS, RDF, RSS, XML, WAI, Section 508, P3P, hyperlinks, metadata, etc)
- Protecting Against Identity Misrepresentation and Theft at U-M (university of michigan)
- Map Washtenaw Property Mapping (county, plats, michigan)
- map of springfield (simpsons)
- The Plants Respond: An Interview with Cleve Backster (biocommunication, consciousness)
- WORDCOUNT / Tracking the Way We Use Language (most frequent English words)
- Thinkers Anonymous : Do you think to much?
- NASA World Wind (awesome globe viewer)
- Speeding up Linux Using hdparm (disk optimization)
- Escher for Real
- Akiyoshi's illusion pages (optical illusions, anomalous motion)
- System Recovery with Knoppix
- The Future Does Not Compute, Stephen L Talbott (O'Reilly & Associates, e-book)
- Election result maps
- Winged Sandals (big fun Flash presentation of Greek gods & myths, including Oracle of Delphi tool)
- Google Answers (expert answers for a price)
- AWStats (open source Perl, advance web statistics, web log analyzer/reporter
- The Digital Object Identifier System (permanent online IDs, URLs)
- XLiveCD (non-install CD to access Unix from Windows PCs)
- Storm's Next - Paradoxical Muxic (eg endlessly rising scale)
- Practical mod_perl (O'Reilly e-text)
- The Best Webcomics of 2004
- (world-wide views)
- Twentieth Century Atlas - Death Tolls
- In The Beginning Was The Command Line In 2004 (update on Neal Stephenson)
- Filesystem Hierarchy Standard - Version 2.2 final
- The Religious Movements Page: Welcome!
- Cygwin: Changing the Face of Windows | Linux Journal
- (drivers, ux50, palm)
- Browser Compatibility tool by NetMechanic
- Listmania! Neil Gaiman Sandman etc
- Charts and Tabulations (Anthroposophy)
- 1src Forums - How to fix your UX50 wifi (wireless) initialize problem
- Sony Mobile Connection Wizard (ux50 clie palm desktop app for wifi/bluetooth config)
- New Scientist: 13 things that do not make sense (science)
- Adobe re-discovers Linux with Reader v7 (Acrobat)
- Search Tools with Open Source Code
- Ancestral ROLL Family - North Dakota Maps
- German-Russian Settlement Map
- buzztracker - 2005-04-12 (maps of world news hotspots)
- Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
- Possum Living: How to Live Well Without a Job and with (almost) No Money
- | CLI Magic: rsnapshot (rsync backup)
- HousingMaps (google maps + craigslist, real estate)
- The history of PDAs
- Web Apps Compendium v1.0 (search, browse, urls, ranking)
- mod_rewrite rewriterule generator :: Webmaster Toolkit
- Yahoo! Link Harvester
- Dogpile (neat tool to compare search engine's results)
- slayeroffice | tools | color palette creator v1.6
- iWeb Toolkit: Convert To and From Unix Epoch Timestamps
- Preople - Its about who you are...
- Draac.Com's Color Converter
- Site Timer // WebScale (website download timing)
- HTML code check by NetMechanic.
- GIF Optimizer Free Online Image Compression
- [listulike] CSS Generator (generate navigation lists for website)
- HTML Tidy Online
- (linux intrusion detection systems, IDS)
- Re: up2date: Unresolvable chain of dependencies: <br> rpm-libs/
- (selling old computer hardware)
- The Daily WTF
- Mail Filtering - Introduction
- Technorati (weblog/blog search)
- University of Michigan | ITSS | Snort VRT Rules
- NewsForge | LAMP made easy with XAMPP
- The ProFTPD Project: Home
- Maypole (Perl Web application MVC framework)
- clinger.swf (liquid man flash demo)
- flash demo of a falling manequin bouncing off balls
- Slyck's Guide to BitTorrent - Clients
- O'Reilly Open Source Convention - August 1-5, 2005 - Portland, OR
- WolframTones: An Experiment in a New Kind of Music (mathematica, a new kind of science)
- Mailinator:Spam Map
- Consciousness Studies: Home (Klocek)
- The Evolution of Perl Email Handling
- SF Cover Explorer - a few thousand science fiction covers (experimental image browser interface)
- LiveHTTPHeaders XPI location (Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape, replay sessions)
- Catalyst - Web Framework (Perl MVC development, ala Ruby on Rails)
- (list of ehealth providers, etc)
- Clean up your Web pages with HTML TIDY
- | CLI Magic: Introducing rss2email
- 43 Folders | A bunch of tricks, hacks, and other cool stuff
- Project collaboration, management, and task software: Basecamp
- IP Spotting - How interesting is your IP address?
- Daring Fireball: Markdown (text2html syntax&tool)
- unixshell# :: Linux Virtual Server, Virtual Private Server, Virtual Dedicated Server, Virtual Server, Dedicated Server, VPS, VDS
- Welcome to Google Page Creator
- TouchGraph GoogleBrowser V1.01 (amazon too, search similarity graphs)
- Using Ajax from Perl
- Recommended PHP reading list
- | Automatix kicks Ubuntu into gear
- SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access
- Flipple (buy, sell, trade dvd's, cd's, books)
- newzbot! public USENET resources for the masses
- AJP Excel Information - Charts
- Random Personal Picture Finder (tm) (images, photos)
- WebCollage: Exterminate All Rational Thought (random image collage by Jamie Zawinski)
- capture the map (strategic flash game using google)
- newsmap (google news, story headlines in treemap format, flash)
- Make A Shorter Link (tinyurl-like service but w/ gateway page)
- shorlify - (tinyurl-like service but with access stats)
- VisiBone Country Chart (world map)
- Googlism (google for about who, what, where, when)
- All about Linux: Mind Map of Linux distributions - Version 2
- VIM Quick Reference Card
- Best of VIM Tips, gVIM's Key Features
- WebGUI (free cms/appserver/webplatform in perl, widely used)
- Orion Magazine > Monsanto GMO Wheat (North Dakota, politics)
- Elastic tabstops - the solution to the tabs-versus-spaces issue
- 1src - The One Source for all things Palm-powered related.
- amux50's Programs & Downloads For Your UX (including UX50 simulator/emulator)
- DNS Stuff: DNS tools, DNS hosting tests, WHOIS, traceroute, ping, and other network and domain name tools.
- one red paperclip
- VEMoDe - Video Encoder for Mobile Devices (palm video movies)
- Michigan Web Voter Information Center (elections)
- gp2x File Archive - Browse - Home
- GP32X.COM - GP32, GP2X, XGP. News, reviews, games, emulators, tools and forums.
- Main Page -
- Storm's Nest - Legendary Pink Dots (wild optical illusion)
- TIME Magazine: The Science of Meditation
- Home ... Health Management Research Center
- University of Michigan Identity Guidelines | Graphics Toolkit (U-M logos, seals, style, etc)
- Kibaale Community Centre and School
- Darik's Boot and Nuke (Hard Drive Disk Wipe)
- Ken Keiter: Hit the ground running. Using Skype and Unlocking your T-Mobile SDA
- Google Code Search
- HAL9000 S.r.l.::High resolution photos::Iconos Technology (largest digital image on web, browsable via Flash, fresco)
- ROTTEN TOMATOES: Movies and Games, Reviews and Previews
- The Linux Equivalent Project - (windows software = which linux software)
- Jamestown College Alumni
- Using Java Classes in Perl
- ftps - RFC4217 - state of play (secure ftp, sftp)
- Neverwinter Nights Vault (NWN modules, IGN)
- U-M Program for Education and Evaluation in Responsible Research and Scholarship (PEERRS)
- Fine Art Presentations (paintings, artists, elib)
- Vendor contacts - U-M IT Commons Knowledge Base
- Main Page - U-M IT Commons Knowledge Base
- - Powerful tool for creating web surveys. Online survey software made easy!
- techgnosis : ARTICLES
- Perl::Critic (analyze/improve perl code)
- Indisches Orakel, Wahrsagerin, Hellseherin, Top Medium Tedora (Oracle-like thingy in German from Paraguay?)
- ME's personal .muttrc (good example/reference mutt)
- The ultimate Mutt settings (good example/reference .muttrc)
- W. Bradford Paley: Map of science image in the journal Nature (paradigms)
- The Austin Chronicle: Columns: Letters at 3AM
- FTPS with vsftpd Part 1
- Create custom data charting tools using Perl and GD
- Project Gutenberg (public domain e-books and audio books)
- LibriVox (public domain audio books)
- presents South Park Studio
- NetLibrary (UMich eContent collection, includes O'Reilly Safari)
- -- CAS+: Single Sign-On with Jifty (Part 1) (SSO)
- HomePage - Jifty (rails-like perl web application framework)
- OpenPrinting - The Linux Foundation
- JCS, Journal of Consciousness Studies
- Poiesis : Jounal of Consciousness Studies
- ITCom: U-M Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Revolution Systems Blog: A Guide to Hiring Programmers: The High Cost of Low Quality
- PDFlib GmbH
- Quick Reference Cards
- Using Access Control Lists (ACLs) With IFS Directories and Folders (pts/afs)
- John Urban's CygWin X11 Setup Tool (ctwm)
- Gravatar - Globally Recognized Avatars (picons-like service)
- ack -- a grep replacement that ignores .svn/CVS/blib directories, understands file types, uses Perl regexes, and much more
- The Programmers' Stone (new blog style)
- sgr.time.mpg (video/mpeg Object) (milky way + sagitarrius dwarf galaxy)
- Human behavior linked to spontaneous brain activity
- Hiveminder (simple individual or group collaboration todo manager)
- Holding a Program in One's Head
- The Sect of Homokaasu - The Rasterbator (make huge rasterized posters from images)
- (AIM, instant messaging from anywhere)
- BibMe - Free (MLA/APA/Chicago) Automatic Bibliography Generator
- Online Electronic Email Party Web Invitations & E Invites - Holiday Evites, Wedding E-invite, Holiday...
- Invitations, Free eCards and Party Planning Ideas from Evite
- Miro - free, open source internet tv and video player
- Amherst Magazine Spring 2004: Eros and Insight (Zajonc)
- Pandora Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music
- Getting Started with your XO (OLPC)
- COLLECTIVE SOUL LYRICS - Under Heaven's Skies
- 10 Strange Keyboards
- Hacking the XO laptop | (
- Tech Support, Manuals & Troubleshooting for Consumers
- ITCom: U-M Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Acid Tests - The Web Standards Project
- WannabEees: Eee PC vs Elonex One vs OLPC vs EasyNote XS vs MSI Wind and ... (ultraportable laptops)
- Amazon Web Services Developer Connection : Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Beta)
- Adobe Photoshop Express - Made You Look. (free online version)
- TED | Talks | Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight (video) (stroke, brain, science, spirituality)
- The net's #1 file extension resource - Dot What!?
- Zattoo - TV to Go
- Vim Filters: Transforming Java to Perl - O'Reilly ONLamp Blog
- Asus Eee PC 900 - TrustedReviews
- Sony VAIO VGN-TZ31MN - Ultra-Portable Notebook - TrustedReviews
- liveplasma music, movies, search engine and discovery engine
- Goggles :: The Google Maps flight sim (Jamestown ND)
- Build a 14.5 watt data center in a shoebox | The Register
- Plat'Home - MicroServer OpenMicroServer
- Buffalo Technology - Technology Center - Our Technology
- wmctrl - A command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager.
- GNU Xnee (x tool to record/replay x11 user actions)
- Lufthansa to Europe: Virtual Pilot!
- FontStruct | Build, Share, Download Fonts (online, free)
- Ulteo Virtual Desktop - Ulteo (linux within windows)
- - the unofficial google shell. (cool, like term in browser)
- U-M Spam Busters (block status check, etc)
- IN3: Google Health 2018: Best Case Scenarios [PMR, Privacy, Personal Genome, Eldercare, PHR]
- IN3: Google Health 2018: Worst Case Scenarios [PMR, Privacy, HIPAA, Wellness, PHR]
- Asus Eee PC 901 20G Linux Edition - TrustedReviews (mini laptop)
- Wendy's Saves Michigan Money
- CVS Repository (freebsd unix source code)
- Star Trek: Of Gods and Men
- How to Auto Export Firefox 3 bookmarks to bookmarks.html?
- Interactive Linux kernel map
- Laptops: Voodoo's Envy 133 Is Thinnest Notebook Alive; Based On Intel Metro Concept Laptop
- Fedora Project, sponsored by Red Hat (non-standard but redhat rpm files)
- Openbox (minimal window manager, recommended replacement for ctwm)
- Vromans' Desktop (ctwm -> openbox configs)
- An Unreliable Guide to XKB Configuration
- Clipmarks - kinzler's clipmarks
- FrontPage - RPMRepo Wiki (rhel addon rpms)
- DAG: RPM packages for Red Hat, RHEL, CentOS and Fedora
- Tim Bunce / Devel-NYTProf -
- Myers-Briggs Personality Types and Careers
- Books by Chance - Best Place to Sell Used Books in Ann Arbor - Books, CDs, & DVDs Sold, Donated and Recycled
- Sony Compatibility Chart - Clie Handhelds
- Learn To Program - Beginner's Guide
- Dell Inspiron Mini 9 Details (tiny ubuntu linux laptop, cheap)
- system76, Inc. (linux laptops)
- ZaReason, Inc. (linux laptops)
- gOS - Discover a Good OS - Hardware (linux laptops)
- Ekiga ~ Free your speech. (linux voip video conferencing)
- Perl Black Book, 2nd Edition: Steven Holzner: Books
- Linux Shells by Example (with CD-ROM): Ellie Quigley: Books
- No-IP - Dynamic DNS, Static DNS for Your Dynamic IP (ala dyndns)
- CGI::Application (Perl MVC development)
- MasonX::MiniMVC - Very simple MVC framework for HTML::Mason (Perl)
- Masatoshi Mizuno / Egg-Release (Perl MVC develoment, ala Ruby on Rails?)
- Learning Perl the Hard Way
- sendmail Configuration Options (Mail Administration Guide) - Sun Microsystems
- Flash Cookies: The Silent Privacy Killer
- How Many of Me - Census Search Results (name)
- Bauer Financial: Bank or Credit Union Star Ratings (bank ratings)
- -- Safe & Sound (tm) (bank ratings)
- OpenHistory : CityViewer
- DeviceGuru - Boxee adds Netflix movie downloads
- Genetic Programming: Evolution of Mona Lisa -Roger Alsing Weblog
- Higher-Order Perl
- MHealthy Wellness Assessment (U-Mich HRA and wellness program)
- Employee Signup (web app, eg screenings)
- ThinkGeek :: Neuros "Link" Open Source Media PC (TV, computer, stream)
- welcome to T O N Y B E N D E R . n e t (Tony Bender)
- VisiBone Product Price List (HTML, browsers, CSS, etc)
- 7-Zip (recommended zip/tar/etc tool for windows)
- Wink (software tutorial creation)
- Ubuntu Linux: The Easy Installation Guide | ITworld
- So you scored a Wii! Now what? | Fidgit
- - The World's Largest Poster and Print Store!
- - the best source for used Aeron Chairs from Herman Miller
- Encoding data file within an ascii art!
- Step 3: Preparing Word Documents for PDF Conversion
- PDF Converter, Convert PDF to Word, Excel Conversion Software
- Picasa Web Albums Features
- Welcome to StayWell Online (U-Mich)
- Picnik - edit photos the easy way, online in your browser
- Play Free Online Games, Internet Games, and Free Games | Pogo Games
- Popular baby names (Social Security Admin)
- Video - TV Classics on CBS
- Miro HD Video Player | Free internet tv and video podcast player.
- Windows and Linux on the Same Laptop? (Dell E4300 netbook)
- Moonlight - Mono (Silverlight)
- CPAN : WWW::Mechanize (perl module to automate web page form and link interaction, screenscrape)
- XXCLONE, A New Way of Cloning the Windows System Disk
- Free Hard Disk Backup and Restore, Hard Disk Image and Cloning Utilities (
- ZXID Home - Open Source IdM for the Masses - SAML SSO (Perl)
- Expedited Visas, Visa Applications, Rush Passport, Passports, Travel (visa requirements)
- Simple Module Tutorial (Perl)
- How to make a CPAN Module Distribution (Perl)
- Jose's Guide for creating Perl modules
- PC Pro: News: Asus brings DVD drive to netbooks
- International Space Station construction flash animation
- Wrap 920AV (video eyeglasses)
- Dropbox - Dropbox - Secure backup, sync and sharing made easy.
- Berkeley Linux Users Group - Blog Archive - Where to Buy a Preinstalled Linux Desktop / Laptop
- A SAML Whitepaper: How to Study and Learn SAML
- ITCSDocs: Guidelines and Registration Form for Use of the ITCS Mail Relay Service (R1454)
- Unison File Synchronizer
- rsnapshot (backup systems, rsync-based, perl)
- Rescue Mode or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Learned to Love Single-User Mode [EeeUser Eee PC Wiki]
- Make Changes Permanent [EeeUser Eee PC Wiki]
- Removing UnionFS/aufs [EeeUser Eee PC Wiki]
- Enabling Advanced Desktop Mode on the Eee PC 900
- Palm Pre Classic Application Compatibility List - AppScout
- FAQ: Choosing the best doctype for your site
- JavaScript Tutorials - Examples Of JavaScript Source Code For Beginners
- Holiday Homes Holiday Rentals Apartments for Rent
- Need Help - Ask a Question and Find Answers (askville, economy)
- Yahoo! Answers - Home (question/answer/ask)
- CSS Rounded Box Generator
- ITCSDocs: MCommunity Sponsor System Overview (R1458)
- Anyterm - Introduction (term/ssh via browser)
- AjaxTerm (term/ssh via browser)
- WebShell (term/ssh via browser)
- shellinabox - Google Code (term/ssh via browser)
- VirtualBox (virtualization, free)
- OpenPrinting database - Printer Listings
- Dr. Dobb's | Open Source Television | August 7, 2009
- 28 Questions You Wish You Asked the Manager During the Job Interview | JavaWorld's Daily Brew
- see shy jo (palm pre hacking, privacy, etc)
- WebOS Internals - Gitorious (palm pre)
- General Enrique Estrada, Zacatecas
- WebOS Internals (palm pre wiki)
- High Caffeine Content: WWDC+Palm Pre = Rollercoaster Week (bypass activation)
- How To Bypass Palm Pre Activation - Bilsta57's Official Blog
- Monitor buying guide - CNET Reviews
- Palm Pre Comprehensive Guide for switching carriers, Please Sticky - PPCGeeks
- The American Cancer Society - Stephen's partipation center
- Whys Poignant Guide to Ruby
- University of Michigan Procurement Services
- Fugitives of Chaos by John C. Wright Dramatis Personae
- Applying Patches - WebOS Internals
- Palm Pre Tips & Tricks - PreCentral Forums
- Basic CSS Concepts
- CSS Beginner Tutorial | HTML Dog
- A re-introduction to JavaScript - MDC
- Index of /software/ajaxterm
- List of file formats (alphabetical, extensions)
- List of file formats (extensions)
- The American Cancer Society (Beatriz's team page Oct 2009)
- The American Cancer Society (Beatriz's page Oct 2009)
- privacychoice
- BattleMaster
- En nuestras propias palabras (Lydia Cacho)
- Qualtrics - Business Intelligence (online survey service @U-M)
- ITCS: Software Licensing and Distribution (online survey service @U-M)
- Growing software sector fuels Ann Arbor economy -
- How to dual-boot Vista with Linux (Vista installed first) -- the step-by-step guide with screenshots
- Seminar Info (San Francisco, Goodness/Evil)
- Never-before-seen 'Star Trek' pilot found - The Live Feed | THR
- The Gervais Principle II: Posturetalk, Powertalk, Babytalk and Gametalk
- homebrew-chart_2.png (fileCoaster vs Preload vs PreUpdate vs Preware vs WebOS Quick Install)
- PhoneGap | Cross platform mobile framework (eg palm pre devel)
- 091114 Rito and Melodey Wedding
- Link Mojo: A Link Exchange For Small Software Developers
- Critterding (artificial life simulator)
- cope - a command-line program colouriser
- Web 2.0 Suicide Machine - Meet your Real Neighbours again! - Sign out forever!
- [all variants] Boot an existing Vista/Windows 7 (Physical HD) install with VirtualBox - Ubuntu Forums
- Nikon | Feel Nikon | Universcale (scales, micro-macro, cool flash)
- Slashdot | Things To Look For In a Web Hosting Company?
- Chatroulette! (random webcams)
- Everything Linux - Linux and the PalmPilot
- What's the Mad Doctor Doing? (Damian Conway, Scripting the Vim Editor)
- Cross-Platform Meta-Doctor Guide 2.0 (Bypass carrier activation & a whole lot MORE!) - PreCentral Forums (Palm Pre webos)
- Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena
- How to fix the McAfee SVCHOST crash from the virus definition update | Ignore the man behind the curtain
- Airline Fees for Major Airlines |
- 25 Reasons Why Perl Keeps Rising in the Enterprise - Application Development from eWeek
- IT & Software Engineering / Development (ann arbor jobs)
- Red Book Dialogues: Leonard Nimoy (Jung)
- Greater Good - Slide Presentations
- Ksplice - The top 10 tricks of Perl one-liners - System administration and software blog
- Switching from webOS to iPhone 4? Here's what you need to know! | TiPb
- Zamzar - Free online file conversion
- | Scribus Open Source Desktop Publishing
- SAML Open Source Implementations | SAML
- Simple Code: ssl mutual authentication in perl
- Perl SOAP::LITE WS Security and Addressing for Soap service
- Wsrflite (soap, ws-security, web services in perl)
- setting up camp at Camphill Village - Daniel Aaron in writing
- Developer Device Program - HP Palm Developer Center
- Optum eHP demo (hra)
- Hans Rosling Shows You 200 Years of Global Growth in 4 Minutes | Singularity Hub
- Mapping America ... Census Bureau 2005-9 American Community Survey -
- (high res paintings)
- Spirit Alchemy (Seth Miller, Klocek, science, consciousness)
- Harvest Kitchen | Prepared Food CSA in Ann Arbor
- Firefox 4 beta 9 gives short shrift to Linux users | ITworld
- sshblack -- Automatically blacklist SSH attackers
- Fail2ban (auto blacklist ssh attackers)
- Securing and Hardening Linux Systems (Linux Security Cookbook) (locking user accounts after too many login failures)
- Reference Guide | Security | HIPAA | Yale University
- Tooth pain after filling
- -- Run Linux natively inside Windows
- Reciprocality - Datamodel Copy
- Inkscape (open source vector graphics editor, Illustrator, CorelDraw, SVG)
- HenPlus (simple jdbc sqlplus replacement)
- Redis (in memory data store, arrays, hashes, Perl, key-value)
- Avoid the escape key - Vim Tips Wiki
- TinyApps.Org : Installing Luigi Rizzo's Standalone Kindle Terminal
- sql - execute a command on a database determined by a dburl
- GNU Parallel - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
- HandBrake (open source video transcoder)
- Barolo Lab Movie Night
- Everything Sysadmin: Python for Perl Programmers
- Last Minute Boutique Hotel Deals | Tablet Hotels
- Endless-Vacation-Rentals - Last Minute Vacations
- America's Health Rankings - State Healthstats
- U-M PTO/Vacation Policy
- Ruby Learning Path (via ACM)
- Detroit is fourth-best city to find a job in IT |
- Passpack Free Online Password Manager
- HMRC Next Gen HRA team portal
- Ergonomic Keyboards | Avant Stellar Programmable Keyboard
- Avant Stellar Prime CVT REPAIR keyboard Northgate clean | eBay
- Compfight / A Flickr Search Tool
- Green's Bluff/Owen Cave |
- Green's Bluff | The Nature Conservancy
- Boyne City woman is living in a lavender paradise |
- Make the most of Machu Picchu -
- Install 64-bit Adobe flash player in Ubuntu 11.04 | ITworld
- NeighborGoods (lend, borrow, share)
- SnapGoods - Borrow or Rent the Stuff You Want Safely and Easily (lend, share)
- Why Buy When You Can Borrow? | Share Some Sugar (lend)
- Sophie - Jia Chen - Picasa Web Albums
- Natty Narwhal netbook: The ultimate network administrator toolkit | ITworld
- So, you just bought an HP TouchPad? Here's what you need next... | The #1 HP webOS, TouchPad, Pre, and Veer Community |
- DailyGood: The Best Goal is No Goal, by Leo Babauta
- chromedevtools - Google Chrome Developer Tools for Java (usable for command line remote control?)
- SRWare Iron (Chrome/Chromium browser secure/private version)
- web2py Web Framework (python)
- 10 volunteer opportunities for free travel -
- SSH Can Do That? Productivity Tips for Working with Remote Servers | Smylers []
- The Chromium Projects (free Chrome-based browser)
- - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives
- Perl/ETL Developer (Domino's Ann Arbor)
- Installing Your Own Perl (perlbrew)
- Fall driving tour a road map to state's beauty (Michigan travel)
- The Kira Institute (secondlife meetings and workshops, philosophy, etc)
- NATCA: Avoid Delays (airport flights)
- Crayola Play Zone (make coloring pages out of photographs)
- Linux tablet will be fully open source | ITworld
- HowTos/SELinux - CentOS Wiki
- Docs/Drafts/SELinux - FedoraProject
- SELinux FAQ
- RHEL6 SELinux cheat sheet | Laurent Domb OSS Blog
- ImperialViolet - SELinux from the inside out
- Security-Enhanced Linux
- BuildSeLinuxPolicyModules - Hints, Tips and HOWTOs
- Mojolicious - Perl real-time web framework
- An Interactive Guide to NPR's List of Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books
- The Chymistry of Isaac Newton (alchemy)
- Aldiko - eBook Reader Application for Android
- xkcd: Money Chart
- CyanogenMod (Android privacy, see also DroidGuard, AdAway, LBE Privacy Guard)
- Glassdoor -- an inside look at jobs & companies (salaries, reviews, interviews)
- How To Root Your Android Phone With SuperOneClick
- The Rise of Developeronomics (invest in software developers)
- Gist (share snippets and pastes with revisioning)
- Hack Attack: Turn your $60 router into a $600 router
- Turn Your Old Router into a Range-Boosting Wi-Fi Repeater
- Perl is more viable for web development than ever! | Joel Berger []
- Aptana (open source web development IDE, eclipse)
- Outplacement Services | Executive Outplacement | Outplacement Consultants | Job Leads | Networking Events | Gray Hair Management
- The Lord of the Rings Family Tree Project
- University of Michigan : Order Food Online : Campus Restaurants :
- MMORPG, MMO, RPG, Role Playing Games (MMORPGS) (Linux, free)
- Tribal Trouble 2 - Free-to-play 3D MMORTS in your browser
- All Thomson Reuters Jobs (ann arbor employment)
- UNetbootin (like pendrivelinux, usb linux)
- Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts
- Interpreted Languages: PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby (Sheet One) - Hyperpolyglot
- ChronoZoom (HTML5 multi-scale timeline viewer)
- Passage: a Gamma256 video game by Jason Rohrer
- Taste of India (Suvai) coupons at University of Michigan
- Code for America | A New Kind of Public Service
- 16 ultimate SSH hacks | ITworld
- images on the fly (GD perl web)
- GraphicsMagick Image Processing System (improved ImageMagick)
- The most entertaining video about Linux you'll watch today | ITworld
- Exclusive Infographics: Fictional Character Birthday Calendars - Flavorwire
- Flood Maps
- MToken Service Center: Home
- Re^3: Perl vs. Compilable Language (LOC lines of code, FP function points)
- A Better Queue
- Get Your Walk Score - Find Walkable Apartments and Rentals
- Drive Score - Find a Perfect Neighborhood
- Neighborhood Search for Home Buyers and Real Estate Investment - NeighborhoodScout
- Explore the Human Microbiome [Interactive]: Scientific American
- Slickdeals: The Best Deals, Coupons & Discounts on Laptops, Computers, LCDs, TVs, Dell, HP, Apple, Amazon
- Oracle of Wikipedia
- An Introduction to Application Development with Catalyst and Perl | Linux Journal
- Hive Five News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker
- Dancer - Perl Web Framework for easy and fun webapp development
- Perl web development (Plack/PSGI interface perl to web servers)
- Perlbrew
- Mojolicious (perl web app framework)
- Barracuda Networks (Ann Arbor jobs perl/linux)
- Digital Painting lessons
- A Non-Designer's Guide to Typefaces and Layout
- Basics of Photoshop: Designing a Website
- Learn the Basics of Design This Weekend
- Plan Your Free Online Education at Lifehacker U: Spring Semester 2012
- Learn Python The Hard Way | A Beginner Programming Book
- 8 Signs of an Extraordinary Boss - Yahoo! Small Business Advisor
- University of Michigan SPG on cell phones
- Roadtrippers | Powerful Route Planning Awesome Curated Places & Trips
- Anythony's X Window Applications Summary
- Anthony's X Window Event Handling page
- - Send to Kindle, Read in Peace (ADDON)
- Zero Cost Kindle Books | Updated Daily | OneHundredFreeBooks
- Amazon Kindle Owners Can Now Check Out Books at the Local Library
- July 30 - M+Google
- Graphing the history of philosophy - Drunks&Lampposts
- Middle-Earth Timeline - LotrProject
- Lighthouse - Beautifully Simple Issue Tracking (ticket tracking, try for free)
- Lavender Hill Farms, Laundry Bar Lavender Products
- Tasker for Android
- android-scripting - Scripting Layer for Android brings scripting languages to Android. - Google Project Hosting
- The Absolute No-Bulls**t Guide To Writing, Publishing And Selling A Book: Introduction And Chapter 1 | Joe The Peacock's Blog.
- - Connect with Friends, Find Jobs, Explore Companies
- Mobile Devices - M+Google
- Mosh: the mobile shell (ssh-frontend for fast&persistent remote ssh sessions)
- The Internet map
- Sensitive Regulated Data: Permitted and Restricted Uses
- University of Michigan | ITS | Safe Computing | Security and Privacy in the U-M Google Environment
- ScanEye | Your Torrents Deep Scanning
- Openbox on My Linux Laptop (from ctwm)
- BBC - Future - Science & Environment - Drake equation: How many alien civilizations exist?
- Download and Install Google Fonts on your Computer
- Google Web Fonts
- How to Reduce the File Size of Google Fonts for your Website
- CareerBliss - Search Salaries, Company Reviews, and Jobs | CareerBliss
- Download Reference Posters for Google Web Fonts
- ttf2eot on the web!
- Hash your passwords!
- Learn to code | Codecademy
- Ask Slashdot: Taming a Wild, One-Man Codebase? (git bazaar svn repo)
- Watch 1,000 Years of Warfare in Five Minutes
- Manage Your Tech Career (startup salary & equity compensation)
- Know What Salary to Ask For in Your New Job
- U-M 2012 Benefits Book
- Roll Your Own Perfectly-Organized Printable Online Resume in Five Minutes
- How do our favorite tech companies make money?
- Saagara - Mobile Health and Wellness (Ann Arbor based, jobs)
- Free Wireless Internet | Free Internet | 4G Wireless Internet - FreedomPop
- Ann Arbor Templetonians (Ann Arbor, MI) - Meetup
- Ask Slashdot: How Often Do You Push To Production? - Slashdot
- Assistants for Everyone - Fancy Hands
- Fiverr: Graphics, marketing, fun and more online services for $5
- Clarity - Get great advice. (entrepreneur, experts)
- (make large background images from maps)
- Gate One | Liftoff Software (HTML5 terminal, in Chrome browser)
- Literature and Latte - Scrivener (documents, writing, editor)
- Host Web Pages on Google Drive
- How to Find the Perfect Way to Build Your Web Site (for Coders and Non-Coders Alike)
- Splashtop Streamer for Ubuntu Controls Your Linux Desktop, Streams Video, and More
- Mailvelope Offers Free, Easy-to-Use PGP Encryption for Gmail, Outlook, and Other Webmail Services
- ICSI Certificate Notary
- Data Visualizations | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
- Lost Luggage? If You Had This Little Thing in Your Bag You Would Know Where It Was
- Get a raise with tools and guides - GetRaised: Promote Yourself
- The Ultimate Guide to Worldwide Etiquette
- What's the Best Way to Use My Credit Card Rewards and Travel Points?
- 30 Minutes To CPAN
- Census Dotmap
- Kindle Wallpapers
- MiServer | Michigan IT
- PULP-O-MIZER: the custom pulp magazine cover generator
- Ask Slashdot: A Cheap US Cellphone Plan With an Unlocked Phone? - Slashdot
- SIMPLE Mobile | Unlimited Cell Phone Plans
- KarmaTube: Hunting Happiness
- Nowcation - Wanna get away? (travel, flights, vacation)
- Interactive Infographic: How To Buy A Suit | Complex
- How to create a Perl Module for code reuse?
- How the Heck Do I Use GitHub?
- Simple Team Performance Management - iDoneThis
- Wine Pairing Chart |
- Which is better perl-CGI, mod_perl or PSGI?
- Sensitive Data Guide to IT Services | Sensitive Data Guide
- Sensitive Regulated Data: Permitted and Restricted Uses
- Toward a Biology Worthy of Life (netfuture, Talbott)
- The Top Free Ways To Stream Video From Your Computer To Your Mobile Or Tablet
- Wellness And Fairness - HuffPost Live (mod tv)
- Does our solar system have a special connection to the structure of the universe?
- Artica Official web site | web based administration interface (mail/proxy/file server)
- Postfix Admin - Web based administration interface
- Swiss File Knife - A Command Line Tools Collection for Windows (7/Vista/XP) and Linux/Mac
- Pick the Right Color for Design or Decorating with This Color Psychology Chart
- Infographics & Data Visualization |
- Create infographics & online charts |
- How to tether Android - EasyTether. Android tethering for Mac OS X, Ubuntu, Fedora, PS3, XBox, Wii, Windows
- cryptsetup - Setup virtual encryption devices under dm-crypt Linux - Google Project Hosting
- TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows 7/Vista/XP, Mac OS X and Linux
- Phone Arena - Phone News, Reviews and Specs (tablet comparisons, android)
- How to Set Up Your Own Private Cloud Storage Service in Five Minutes with OwnCloud
- Play Perl
- Compass Biblelands Cruise 2013
- | Collecting all the cheat sheets
- bartaz/impress.js - GitHub (vs powerpoint, slick html-based presentation framework)
- D3.js - Data-Driven Documents
- reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework (vs powerpoint)
- Coding, Fast and Slow: Developers and the Psychology of Overconfidence
- - create an elegant profile to showcase your expertise
- How To Find the Best Prepaid Plan and Ditch Your Contract for Good
- Policies -- FOIA and CRIA
- Photo editor online - edit image
- How Far is it to Mars?
- Chrome Web Store - Codenvy IDE
- FatURL
- Overseas Exile (work overseas, job)
- How to Learn All About a New City Without Leaving Your House
- Learn Python The Hard Way, 2nd Edition ... Learn Python The Hard Way, 2nd Edition
- Writing your first Django app, part 1 | Django documentation | Django
- Get a Free Vehicle History Report Before You Buy a Car
- AirRide (DTW-Ann Arbor bus service)
- Literal meanings of places in the U.S [MAP]. - Slate Magazine
- Roadtrippers | Road Trip Planner | Route Planning
- Commercial Progression | The Drupal Experts
- PayScale - Salary Comparison, Salary Survey, Search Wages
- cepstrum, quefrency, rahmonic (Fourier transform)
- biggie: presentations (powerpoint slides easy web-based)
- Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, C, C++, Lua, tcl, javascript and Java comparison
- NUKEMAP2 by Alex Wellerstein
- orrery (plants viewer)
- The Planets Today : A live view of the solar system (orrery, in Chrome)
- Solar System Scope (orrery, planets)
- Is "Leadership" Overvalued? | Gather
- The Ultimate Travel Hacking Guide
- Free VPN Service | Free VPN Software - Hotspot Shield VPN
- HTTPS Everywhere | Electronic Frontier Foundation
- The complete history of the world ... up to 1930 ... in one glorious chart
- The Racial Dot Map: One Dot Per Person | Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service
- Nextdoor: Join the free private social network for your neighborhood
- Git - Book
- Getting Started with Git: The Fundamentals | Dr Dobb's
- CloudConvert - convert anything to anything (incl CBZ to PDF)
- How to Turn Your Pile of Code into an Open Source Project
- How to Decide Whether a Task is Worth Outsourcing (designers)
- HTML5 is the Future of Book Authorship - Programming - O'Reilly Media
- The Logic Behind 19 Common Interview Questions
- University of Michigan Performance Management
- Dr Charles Beylard Guerard de Nancrede (1847 - 1921) (1015 e huron nu sigma nu hmrc)
- What do you stand to make? (apps, ebooks, etc)
- Asana - Teamwork without email (collaboration, workload)
- Trello (collaboration, teamwork, workload)
- Pandoc (markdown markup conversion)
- - Free Telephone Conference Call Service
- The 2013 Leadership Handbook: How to Better Communicate
- Chrysanthemum Festival | Longwood Gardens
- Now you can understand Fourier transforms -- like a boss
- (git umich code repo)
- ShellCheck - Online shell script analyzer (bash, sh)
- CSS Button Generator - Imageless CSS Buttons Simplified
- Perl Training Australia - Managing processes with Ubic
- BuiltinPerl - startups, apps, projects using Perl
- - match command-line arguments to their help text
- Perl Advent Calendar 2013 - Web done better! (plack, psgi, perl web frameworks)
- Piktochart: Infographic and Graphic Design for Non-Designers
- | create and share visual ideas online (infographics)
- babo: a market by Sava (monthly juice cleanse)
- Over-Extended Metaphor for the day (Unix/Linux ala Christianity religion)
- Specify Skill and Personality Trait for Great LinkedIn Recommendations
- Kyle Hailey - Popularity vs Productivity vs Performance (programming languages, perl, python, etc)
- DAKOTALAPSE - Timelapse and still photography - Milky Way, night and daytime, time lapse stock footage
- Cards Against Humanity (printable, buyable, game)
- ITSDocs: Guidelines and Registration Form for Use of the ITS Mail Relay Service (R1454)
- AWS Essentials Training for University of Michigan (amazon web services)
- How the Heck Do I Use GitHub?
- Resume DTD (SGML, unified resume formats)
- Enriching scholarship140506 (accessibility umich)
- HMRC office/staff handbook
- U-M HR procedures (umich, handbook, human resources)
- U-M staff handbook (umich, handbook, human resources)
- Numbea - Cost of Living (in various world cities)
- Solarized - Ethan Schoonover (nice color scheme for X/vim/mutt/web/*)
- tmux (terminal multiplexer, ala screen)
- How To Turn Your Android Phone Into The Ultimate GPS Navigator
- How to run your own e-mail server with your own domain
- Airline Fees: The Ultimate Guide (PDF chart)
- Gnod Laptop Comparison
- This Graphic Lists Over 200 Resources for Making Money Online
- Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People (nice graphical book)
- SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access
- Material Icons Index (freed google icons/glyphs)
- Emotions - Feelings Word Vocabulary
- Wheel of Words (emotions - feelings word vocabulary)
- Esri ZIP Code Lookup | Demographics and Lifestyle by ZIP Code
- Shake - Free Legal Agreements (easy contracts online)
- Perl Advent Calendar 2014 - Making a list, checking it twice... (perl, sqlite, dbicdump, dbi)
- Use the "22 Colors of Maximum Contrast" to Organize Your Calendars
- Silk - Interactive Generative Art (symmetry, spiral, mirror)
- How to Set Up Your Own Private Cloud Storage Service in Five Minutes with OwnCloud
- GitHub Cheat Sheet
- Interactive Vim tutorial
- Secure Secure Shell (ssh)
- Cloud VPS Hosting from only $1 per month by Atlantic.Net (compare digitalocean)
- | Chicago Based VPS and Dedicated Servers, $1, $5 (compare digitalocean)
- Five Best Online Presentation Creation Tools (vs powerpoint, haiku deck, prezi, google slides, reveal.js/
- The 20 Pound World Travel Backpack
- Google Search Operators (advanced google reference guide)
- Kayak's Travel Hacker Guide Helps You Plan Your International Trips
- Grab 24 Free Ebooks to Learn a New Programming Language
- modulator | metaflop (interactive font design)
- What is Meditation / Mindfulness Good for? | Information Is Beautiful
- Pablo by Buffer - Design engaging images for your social media posts in under 30 seconds (text over image)
- Skillset - Certification Practice Tests and Skill Assessments
- - Removes passwords from viewable PDFs
- - open-minded scientific investigations - Campaign for Open Science (post-materialism)
- Coolors - The super fast color schemes generator! (see also `apts agave`)
- This Chart Shows When You Should Use Ibuprofen vs. Acetaminophen
- The Racial Dot Map: One Dot Per Person for the Entire U.S.
- University of Michigan School of Information UX Design Clinic (design consulting for local entrepreneurs 2015-01)
- Find the right programming language to learn first with this Lord of the Rings-themed flowchart | ITworld
- This animated map shows how religion spread across the world.
- Android - UMHS Email using AirWatch - UMHS KnowledgeBase - UMMS Confluence
- Android - UMHS Email via TouchDown - UMHS KnowledgeBase - UMMS Confluence
- The Pros and Cons of DIY Wills
- "Willing" Automatically Generates Your Legally Binding Will
- APM Best Practices: Realizing Application Performance Management: ProQuest Tech Books (access from w/i U-M)
- planetary seals
- a2b3 - Ann Arbor lunch group (local resources, questions)
- Detroit Freecycle
- Ann Arbor Winter Clothing & Survival Guide
- jhthorsen - How I write web applications (mojolicious, assetpack, swagger, roit, sass, materialize, cloudflare, toadfarm)
- Amazon Storywriter
- Washtenaw Area Resistance (Ingress) | Product Categories | Phoenix Dawn Designs
- Ingress Resistance Touch Screen Gloves | Glider Gloves
- Choosing an HTTP Status Code
- Modern Perl Web Development (slide presentation, PSGI, Plack)
- RXVT REFERENCE (urxvt, rxvt-unicode)
- American Panorama (interactive data)
- TheMozg/awk-raycaster - GitHub (awkaster, wolfenstein/doom in 650 lines of awk/gawk)
- IT eBooks - Free Download - Big Library
- Let's Encrypt - Free SSL/TLS Certificates
- (Ingress) Mission Banner Slicer
- Usable Privacy Shows You What Privacy Policies Actually Mean, in Plain English
- Busch's Soup Calendar
- Capsula Mundi, Eco-Friendly Burial Pods That Plant Bodies Under Trees in Egg-Shaped Capsules (casket, burial, funeral)
- A Simple Web Developer's Guide To Color – Smashing Magazine
- 35 Surreal Illustrations That Will Make You Question The "Normalcy" Of Society
- Old MCIT Platform Engineering (awesome) bookmarks
- TeamViewer -- Remote Support, Remote Access, Online Collaboration and Meetings (~vnc, ~rdp)
- How We Make Sense of the World - A Study in Rudolf Steiner's Epistemological Work, Ronald H Brady
- Travel Tours & Guided Trips | National Geographic Expeditions
- GitHub - AHAAAAAAA/PokemonGo-Map: Live visualization of all the pokemon in your area... and more!
- frequently used SSL commands
- First, Let’s Get Rid of All the Bosses | New Republic (teal organization, zappos, hsieh)
- 9 basic principles of responsive web design
- Keep on Trekkin' | Alumni Association of the University of Michigan (star trek u-m)
- Draw a symbol - Mausr (symbol/unicode recognition/lookup draw)
- Stack Overflow's Developer Stories Are Resumes Built for Developers
- Resume Beacon Is a Simple, Free, Non-Flashy Online Resume Builder
- Pokemon Go in Ann Arbor: By the Numbers - Josh Woodward
- HTML 5 Cheat Sheet [Free PDF Download] -- OnBlastBlog
- YouTube (video) Converter & Downloader - Convert to MP3, MP4, AVI
- [Pokemon Go] Gym Stability - Josh Woodward
- Global Nest Atlas | The Silph Road | Pokemon GO Nests
- Guide: Installing and Running a GNU/Linux Environment on Any Android Device
- Ann Arbor Pokémon Map
- Gym Stability Log On - Josh Woodward (pokemon)
- The Most Common Java Keytool Keystore Commands (ssl certificates)
- Eightydays Plans a Multi-City European Trip For You
- algo/ * trailofbits/algo (easy DIY VPN)
- Network Addresses / U-M Information and Technology Services (ip ranges, campus, its)
- Favicon Generator (And How To Set Up A Favicon) -
- Your Pick For the Best VPN Service Is Private Internet Access (but no netflix)
- mRemoteNG (windows ssh/rdp/etc client, nice; ala remmina for linux)
- The Best Time to Visit Anywhere in the World - Decision Data (travel weather)
- Periodic Table of DevOps Tools
- Discover the power of Bash on Windows | ITworld (WSL windows subsystem for linux)
- Bash on Ubuntu on Windows - About (WSL windows subsystem for linux)
- Best DVR for cord cutters (plex, hdhomerun, tablo, tivo)
- Plex Just Killed My Cable Box Rental, and It Could Kill Yours Too (hdhomerun, dvr)
- This RésumÃ(resume) for Elon Musk Proves You Never, Ever Need to Use More Than One Page | Money
- Pokemon Go Events
- 2017 Ops Salary Survey - O'Reilly Media (devops, system/software engineer, bash/perl/python)
- git - the simple guide - no deep shit! (w/ cheat sheet)
- Equinox 2018 (mayan, mexican mysteries, travel, tour)
- Delegating: Leading vs. Managing vs. Doing | Human Resources University of Michigan
- Athens & Ancient Greece - Go Ahead Tours
- Steve's ctwm Secret Stash
- GitHub - w0rp/ale: Asynchronous Lint Engine (for vim 8, perl etc)
- First Monday
- IT news, careers, business technology, reviews | ITworld
- PvE Transcendent Weapon Enchant Comparison (neverwinter)
- Oh, sh*t, git!
- Getting started with Perl on Docker
- 9.6. Creating and Modifying systemd Unit Files - Red Hat Customer Portal
- Neverwinter Mount Insignia Bonuses
- Employee Recognition | Michigan Medicine (making a difference award)
- How to Ask for a Free Airline Upgrade When Traveling | Money (first-class)
- Univeristy of Michigan Medicine - PTO Policy (?)
- Tides of History – Wondery – A Network of Storytellers (podcast)
- Current Hardcore History Available for Free (podcast)
- Something True - Idle Thumbs Network (history podcast)
- Episodes » the memory palace (history podcast)
- Michigan Medicine - Communications DIY Toolkit (survey, branding, presentations, web updates)
- Michigan Online (online courses learning portal, coursera, python, credits, online degrees)
- Neverwinter Uncensored - Character Manager - Ratings Simulator
- Hunter Ranger Guide with builds, rotations, BiS gear and more! (neverwinter)
- Hunter | MMOMinds (neverwinter hunter/ranger builds/loadouts)
- Eagle Eye's Hunter Ranger True Archery Build(PVE) MOD 13 | MMOMinds(neverwinter)
- HTML Periodic Table: A Beginner-Friendly HTML5 Table of Elements
- Security Backporting Practice - Red Hat Customer Portal
- Suse Doc: Deployment Guide - Backporting Source Code
- tmux a terminal multiplexer
- Country Comparison - Hofstede Insights (power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation, indulgence)
- Bluestwave - The Dreammachine
- Neverwinter: Trapper DPS/Buff-Debuff build
- Write your name in Elvish in 10 minutes (quenya, sindarin, lord of the rings)
- ORACLE-BASE - Apache Tomcat 9 Installation on Linux (RHEL and clones)
- Play with Docker
- How old do I look? (
- How to Start Meditating with Your Child
- Jekyll * Simple, blog-aware, static sites (website generator)
- Ghost: Turn your audience into a business (website generator)
- The world's fastest framework for building websites | Hugo (website generator)
- A Visual Git Reference
- git - the simple guide - no deep shit!
- How to Use Ansible: An Ansible Cheat Sheet Guide
- The Measure of Things (meaningful comparative/relative measurements of physical quantities)
- GitHub - crowdsecurity/crowdsec (firewall, fail2ban)
- by Miltos Manetas!
- Online Youtube Video Downloader | (or add "pp" for
- Rome2rio: discover how to get anywhere (travel means)
- 10 Minute Mail - Free Anonymous Temporary email
- Emergency and Disaster Information Service (map, events)
- 12ft Ladder (paywall circumventer)
- Free Online OCR - convert PDF to Word or Image to text
- Atlas Obscura - Curious and Wondrous Travel Destinations
- Open Payments Data - CMS (check doctors)
- Remove Background from Image -
- SUSE Packages (search, find)
- Best Online Piano Lessons: Apps, Courses, Software (2022)
- Ultimate Guitar Tabs (piano chords too)
- Security Tokens - Accessories (yubikey, duo, 2fa)
- Point in History (cool map of history of places)
- All History (interactive graph of events from Wikipedia
- PerlPhrasebook - Python Wiki
- Convert any script to a Linux service (daemon, python, perl)
- gcloud CLI | Google Cloud CLI Documentation
- Paint With Music ... Google Arts & Culture (brush strokes to notes)
- Developer Roadmaps (incl devops, python, etc)
- Old Maps Online
- Hemingway Editor (simplifying copy editing)
- Voice Dictation - Online Speech Recognition
- 10 minute mail (temporary disposable email addresses)
- PDF Drive - Search and download PDF files for free. (ebooks)
- Free AI Writing, PDF, Image, and other Online Tools - TinyWow
- - The cron schedule expression editor
- Enterprise Bridges (navigate, viewer, explorer)
- FCIV.NET 3D browser version of the turn-based strategy game Freeciv.
- 2023 Fall Foliage Map & Nationwide Peak Leaf Forecast
- TheLibraryMap (book clusters related)
- U-M ITS - Use ACME to Automate Renewals of InCommon Certificates (letsencrypt)
- Create AI-Assisted ITS TeamDynamix Knowledge Article
- AI Contract Management & Software | LegalSifter
- ASCII Theater (stream a movie of the day asciily)
- How (and Why) the University of Michigan Built Its Own Closed Generative AI Tools | EDUCAUSE Review (genAI, chaptgpt, openai)
- Parallel Lives (interactive timeline of historical figures)
- Code Llama, large language model (LLM) for coding
- - simple web tools and hosting, Ann Arbor
- Diátaxis (diataxis, A systematic approach to technical documentation authoring.)
- IBM Docs - Storage Scale (GPFS, Spectrum Scale)
- 5 easy ways to run an LLM locally | InfoWorld
- twc_project / plug-ins / ctwc @ GitLab (early ctwm for wayland not x11)
- OverTheWire: Wargames (learn and practice security concepts)
- The Technium: 50 Years of Travel Tips
- One-column, large readable text (exemplar)
- One-column, large, clean readable text (exemplar)
- One-column, classy, clean text/sidebar/comments (exemplar)
- Nice font, max width approach
- Basic color theory tutorial
- This Graphic Offers Good-Looking Fonts to Replace Dull, Overused Ones
- Nice markup for text articles
- Google Just Made It Super Easy To Build a Website With Material Design
Bookmarks Toolbar
- Send to Kindle
- Send to Kindle Config
- Readability
- Readability Config
- Plex It!