Steve Kinzler
Anagrams &
Chinese name
I work as a storage research data specialist at the
University of Michigan
Advanced Research Computing in
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
I've also worked as a lead systems programmer/analyst at
Michigan Medicine;
as an applications programmer/analyst and IT manager at the
Health Management Research Center
of the University of Michigan; as a software engineer and
lecturer in the
computer systems group of the
Computer Science department of
Indiana University;
and as an independent computer contractor in
Indiana, USA. I was born and raised in
North Dakota, USA and educated at
University of Jamestown and
Indiana University.
- Accept my online business card, to
add to your address book, if you wish [vCard].
- Contact me by email.
- Find my old offices
(IU, the likes of which I may never see again),
or my places.
- See me in various digitized images.
- Hear me ramble on about the
Internet and email in 1994 for the IU News Bureau Radioline, doing
my part then to overhype the "information superhighway". [.au,
1.3 MB, 2:48]
- View my LinkedIn
public profile.
- View my résumé (resume)
or my publications list, some surprisingly off-topic.
- View my geek code, the hackers' personality meter.
- View my work page
(ie, my link garden) or my bookmark page
(chronological and unexpunged as it may be).
- Browse my Unix/X11 home directory
for useful scripts and configuration files, including:
- Learn about the Kinzler name
and other early Kinzler's on the Net.
Some things I work(ed) on
- appenv, tools and Unix environment for Michigan Medical HITS Platform
Engineering (2015-)
- Kinzler.com, an infrastucture for
my online ventures (2014-)
- the HMRC Web
HRA, secure online health risk surveys used by many millions of
folks worldwide (1998-2014)
- Unix server and security administration for the
U-M Health Management Research
Center (1997-2014)
- Website design for the Center
for Motor Behavior in Down Syndrome (1999)
- Unix systems programming and large site administration for the
IUCS Computer
Systems Group (1986-1997)
- Web development as webmaster for the
IU Computer Science Department
CSCI A348, development and instruction of an advanced Web course (1996)
- IUeval,
an online evaluation, survey and testing system (1994-1995)
- the
picons project,
providing faces for the net (1991-)
- the Internet Oracle,
wired omniscience (1989-)
- the ABAT project,
biomechanics at the Barcelona `92 Olympics (1992)
an enhanced
vsh-like visual
shell supplement (1983-)
Some fun stuff of mine