I am building a XPM color distribution for logos.
I can handle the national flags 'colorization' but can't obtain any info about
* Universities' logos
* Companies' logos
If you have somewhere in your filesystem a full-color logo of your organization,
please send me (address below) a copy (uuencoded or MIME base64 format).
I will manage reduction to 48x48 format and color smoothing if needed.
Accepted formats: XPM, xdump, gif, jpeg, tiff (packbits, lzw, g3, g4), EPSF, PCX
The distribution will be available at cs.indiana.edu under S.Kinzler management.
-- +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ |Daniel GLAZMAN, Research Engineer | Tel: [(int'l) 33 1] 47 65 35 70 | +------------------------------------| Fax: [(int'l) 33 1] 47 65 34 19 | | Electricite De France | Net: Daniel.Glazman@der.edf.fr | | Direction des Etudes et Recherches | glazman@inf.enst.fr | | IMA/ICI/IDR Bat.A - SA002 +---------------------------------+ | 92141 Clamart CEDEX - FRANCE | MIME messages wellcome. | +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+