New faces database available.

Rich Burridge (richb@stard)
Tue, 2 Apr 1991 13:54:42 +1000

I've just put the latest version of the faces database on:

The size is:

-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 559139 Apr 1 22:39 facedir.tar.Z

This is a compressed tar file of the face directories. Each image has been
converted to face.xbm format. There is only one face image for each person.

I will put together another separate directory structure of duplicates
(multiple faces per person), plus odds and sods. I'm not sure when this
will be. I'm fed up with looking at face icons at the moment.

The facedir.tar.Z collection really need good and
files. I've done minimal work on this too.

The next message will contain patch #14 for faces. For those people who'd
sooner have a completely new version of faces already patched to level #14,
then I've put the latest version of faces on:

The size is:

-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 165563 Apr 1 22:36 faces.tar.Z

Faces v1.4.14 (and patch #14) are also available from my automatic mail
archive server.

I expect there will need to be a few tweaks to get patch #14 to work on
everybodies machine. These changes can go in patch #15, along with the
new filters and scripts that Steve Kinzler has put together (thanks Steve).