Status for faces patch #14.

Rich Burridge (richb@stard)
Mon, 25 Mar 1991 11:03:43 +1000

The changes I've made so far, for faces patch #14 are listed below. I'll
send this patch out to the mailing list on the Tuesday after Easter. This
will allow anybody else who has any diffs to send them to me for inclusion
in the patch, and also possibly allows me to do some more work on faces
over Easter (no promises there).

I've integrated Robert Adams faces database with the collection I had, and
have converted all the 48x48x1 ikons to face.xbm format. This collection is
now on: as incoming/facedir.tar.Z
and as pub/faces/incoming/facedir.tar.Z

I've just received a load more face images from John Mackin (thanks John!),
which I'll integrate into the database tomorrow (I must do some RealWork

Patch #14 (changes so far):

- From Philip Gladstone <>
Better handling of X11 events -- fixes a number of bugs whereby
things didn't get drawn.

- From Philip Gladstone <>
Fits text better into the icon even if proportional spaced font.

- From Philip Gladstone <>
Displays hostname rather than username if the icon represents the
username rather than hostname.

- From Philip Gladstone <>
Fixes some bug (I can't recall what) attached to doing NIS lookups
when a failing NIS lookup turns into a domain name lookup.

- From Philip Gladstone <>
Fixes a problem with utime system call not taking two longs!

- From Philip Gladstone <>
Fixes a problem if you change the width across to be not 10.

- Added a Makefile.dist file to the faces distribution. This will
replace the Makefile, and allows further changes to this file,
without blowing the users changes out of the water. Patching the
Makefile should be simpler now. The MANIFEST and FILES files have
been updated.

- From Chris Steinbroner <>
From Philip Colmer <>
Loading xfaces fails because XSetWMProtocols() does not exist on my
system. It's an X11R4 routine. A new definition (X11R3) has been
added to the Makefile.dist file. This needs to be uncommented if
you are running the X11 (Xlib) version under MIT X11R3.

- From John B. Melby <>
If one creates a directory "edu" in the faces directory, it does
not have any effect on a domain address in which EDU is capitalized.
It seems to me that "faces" should not pay any attention to the
case of a domain name (since case is only supposed to be significant
in the user name).

From John Mackin <>
The comparison when looking up the domain in the faces
directory appears to be case-sensitive. This is wrong per
RFC822, domain-parts are case-insensitive. Both the directory
name and the host name from the mail item should be downcased
before comparison.

From Peter Gray <>
When comparing the domain of the mail with the entries
strcasecmp should be used since mail addresses are case invarient.

From (Ignatios Souvatzis)
As far as I remember, RFC822 states that 'domains' and 'mailboxes'
ignore case. I frequently get mail with domain or subdomain names
uppercase or capitalized. 'gethostname' on the DECstations of the
university's radio astronomy institute returns upper case names
(probably set up this way to get it compatible to DECnet
conventions, they talk DECnet to the VAXes...). [Patch included].

- From Ken Wood <>
Details of how to generate X-Face: headers from within GNU Emacs.
Added to the README file.

- Converted the mini faces database supplied with the faces
distribution to face.xbm format. MANIFEST and FILES files updated.

- Reversed the order of the patch entry descriptions in the CHANGES
file, so the latest entry is at the top.

- From Steve Kinzler <>
Added a variety of scripts and filters to the faces distribution.
These are:

ikon2xbm, xbm2ikon bitmaps filters for Blit ikon and X11 bitmaps, lpqall customized "faces -e" script for monitoring all

mailq customized "faces -e" script for monitoring the
system sendmail queue

- The faces mailing list is now mentioned in the README file.